Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
désensablement (de véhicules)
English translation:
debogging (of vehicles)
Added to glossary by
Nikki Scott-Despaigne
Nov 6, 2001 02:32
23 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term
French to English
Adventure sports. Car rally. Desert. 4WD vehicles.
I'm working on the rules and regs for a project for something like the Paris-Dakar rally. In a list of compulsory equipment which has to remain on board each vehicle, are the following items. The one which I cannot find a nice neat term for (perhaps there isn't one) is "matériel de désensablement". It is referring to the gear that you need to get your vehicle out of the sand when you've jumped over a bump to land smack in some really loose deep sand. "Ensablement" is generally translated as "sanded up". Is there a one or two word opposite?
Chaque véhicule doit comporter ou posséder en permanence et à tout moment de la compétition
- un arceau de sécurité homologué
- des harnais de sécurité
- un coupe-circuit
- une trousse de secours
- un GPS
- un miroir de survie
- deux couteaux adaptés à couper des cordes ou sangles (avec housse de protection si couteaux type poignard)
- 10 mètres de corde à tout faire d’un diamètre minimum de 5mm et d’une résistance minimum de 550 Kg (norme CE EN564)
- une balise de détresse fournie par l’organisation.
- 2 lampes à éclat (étanche - déclenchement manuel - 8h00 minimum d’autonomie).
- une pelle métallique
- le matériel de désensablement
- une tente ou abri permettant de vivre dans des conditions météorologiques difficiles
- un réchaud et gamelle permettant de faire chauffer de l’eau en quantité suffisante pour 2 personnes (1,5 à 2 litres minimum)
- des cordages pour assurer l’arrimage de leur matériel sur les véhicules
I'm working on the rules and regs for a project for something like the Paris-Dakar rally. In a list of compulsory equipment which has to remain on board each vehicle, are the following items. The one which I cannot find a nice neat term for (perhaps there isn't one) is "matériel de désensablement". It is referring to the gear that you need to get your vehicle out of the sand when you've jumped over a bump to land smack in some really loose deep sand. "Ensablement" is generally translated as "sanded up". Is there a one or two word opposite?
Chaque véhicule doit comporter ou posséder en permanence et à tout moment de la compétition
- un arceau de sécurité homologué
- des harnais de sécurité
- un coupe-circuit
- une trousse de secours
- un GPS
- un miroir de survie
- deux couteaux adaptés à couper des cordes ou sangles (avec housse de protection si couteaux type poignard)
- 10 mètres de corde à tout faire d’un diamètre minimum de 5mm et d’une résistance minimum de 550 Kg (norme CE EN564)
- une balise de détresse fournie par l’organisation.
- 2 lampes à éclat (étanche - déclenchement manuel - 8h00 minimum d’autonomie).
- une pelle métallique
- le matériel de désensablement
- une tente ou abri permettant de vivre dans des conditions météorologiques difficiles
- un réchaud et gamelle permettant de faire chauffer de l’eau en quantité suffisante pour 2 personnes (1,5 à 2 litres minimum)
- des cordages pour assurer l’arrimage de leur matériel sur les véhicules
Proposed translations
4 | Debogging equipment |
![]() |
4 | unsanding material |
Serge L
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4 | sand ladders or equivalent |
Mary Worby
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4 | debogging |
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Proposed translations
37 mins
Debogging equipment
Forgive the Australianism, but in bog or in sand we always seem to get bogged down here under.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks a lot. When I tested this one, I got all sorts of contexts, including debogging of 4WD military vehicles. Serious enough for rules and regs of a Paris-Dakar type event. (Funny though as I had looked through the Paris-Dakar rules...). In the UK, we talk about getting bogged down. Thanks for having debogged me on this one!"
9 mins
unsanding material
e.g. "There were many highlights but I shall never forget Graham, the Aboriginal guide at Lake Mungo, unsanding the skeletal remains of the hairy nosed wombat, 18000 years old."
Not quite in the context of a rally, though...
Good luck
Serge L.
Not quite in the context of a rally, though...
Good luck
Serge L.
Comment: "Reads like "unearthing" as in discovering sthg, not quite it"
43 mins
sand ladders or equivalent
A trawl through the Internet took me here:
From where you can download the technical regulations for the Paris-Dakar rally. If you look at the regulations for assistance vehicles, the closest you get is that they have to carry 'sand ladders'.
But a further search revealed that there are other sorts of equipment you can use, 'sand tracks, sand anchors, etc.' so sand ladders wouldn't cut it alone ...
Hence my answer above! I tried 'sand equipment' but that didn't work, also no luck for 'sand extraction' in conjunction with rallying.
Best I can do!
From where you can download the technical regulations for the Paris-Dakar rally. If you look at the regulations for assistance vehicles, the closest you get is that they have to carry 'sand ladders'.
But a further search revealed that there are other sorts of equipment you can use, 'sand tracks, sand anchors, etc.' so sand ladders wouldn't cut it alone ...
Hence my answer above! I tried 'sand equipment' but that didn't work, also no luck for 'sand extraction' in conjunction with rallying.
Best I can do!
52 mins
If you enter the word debogging on the webyou will find this U.K account of the Paris - Dakar race and they use the term debogging even in sand.
If the pom's say it its O.K for the Aussie's mate!
Our digging pace slowed down as the sheer weight of the-tons of sand began to bite into arm and back muscles. Other competitors came past, grinding in low ratio through the sand and missing us by inches. Many of them had the navigator permanently out and pushing at the softer sections. The trucks were impressive performers, their high ground clearance and low down diesel torque kept them going where the smaller 4x4’s got bogged.
One of the vital parts of this debogging process was to mark the position of the sandladders before the Isuzu launched off and buried them. The spinning wheels can push the metal boards deep into the sand and they can be surprisingly difficult to locate again. Our final push got the Isuzu onto firm sand and we returned to find the ladders. Three of them were easily located but where was the fourth? We carefully tried all the possible locations, probing the shovel deep down and expecting the metallic thump as it hit the ladder. Nothing. The minutes were ticking past. We could not afford to waste time and energy like this. Nor could we afford to leave the ladder behind. At last we found it, buried about two feet deep and a long way behind where it had originally been lying. We vowed to tie some cord onto the ladders to avoid having the same problem again.
If the pom's say it its O.K for the Aussie's mate!
Our digging pace slowed down as the sheer weight of the-tons of sand began to bite into arm and back muscles. Other competitors came past, grinding in low ratio through the sand and missing us by inches. Many of them had the navigator permanently out and pushing at the softer sections. The trucks were impressive performers, their high ground clearance and low down diesel torque kept them going where the smaller 4x4’s got bogged.
One of the vital parts of this debogging process was to mark the position of the sandladders before the Isuzu launched off and buried them. The spinning wheels can push the metal boards deep into the sand and they can be surprisingly difficult to locate again. Our final push got the Isuzu onto firm sand and we returned to find the ladders. Three of them were easily located but where was the fourth? We carefully tried all the possible locations, probing the shovel deep down and expecting the metallic thump as it hit the ladder. Nothing. The minutes were ticking past. We could not afford to waste time and energy like this. Nor could we afford to leave the ladder behind. At last we found it, buried about two feet deep and a long way behind where it had originally been lying. We vowed to tie some cord onto the ladders to avoid having the same problem again.
Something went wrong...