Aug 25, 2000 06:16
24 yrs ago
5 viewers *
German term


German to English Law/Patents
This has to do with some sort of legal process that might be used to counter a claim on a leased object (car). Austrian German. Cannot find this in any dictionary, so am happy for any help!

Proposed translations

1 day 23 mins

attachment proceedings; attachment nullity proceedings

The following is from the URL below

Definition Die Geltendmachung von Rechten an einer gepfändeten Sache,welche die Vornahme der Exekution unzulässig machen

In English, this says that Exszindierung means getting recognition for your rights to an object under claim (or attachment), so that the claim cannot be pursued.

Langenscheidt has Pf"angungsverfahren = attachment proceedings. To be more specific, you could put attachment nullity proceedings. The person defending against the claim=attachment wants to have the court rule that the claim is null and void. BW, Nancy
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks, this was the most appropriate of all the answers given, although all were useful. All the best Mary"
4 hrs

see below

I did not find anything--I looked in
the Rechtslexikon, Schoenfelder etc.
In the Latin/German dictionary I found:
exscindo-zerstoeren, vernichten
Verfahren is procedure. Then I looked
up "Vernichtungsverfahren" (engl. something like annihilation procedure/destruction procedure, procedure to destruct/annihilate etc.)
I found in the Schoenfelder something like "Kraftloserklaerung"=jur. declaration of invalidity.

Well, I am sorry, I can't do better.
Hope this gets you somewhere.
Peer comment(s):

Mary McCusker
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14 hrs

see below

You'll find a fairly comprehensive explanation (in German) under the URL listed below; I excerpted the pertinent part.

Schutz der Verkäuferinteressen
Der Eigentumsvorbehalt sichert primär die Interessen des Verkäufers gegen den Käufer (und dessen Gläubiger):
 für den Fall des Käuferverzugs,
 um sich gegen Exekutionen von Gläubigern des Käufers zu schützen (§ 37 EO: Widerspruchs- oder Exszindierungsklage)
 um im Falle des Konkurses oder Ausgleichs des Käufers (§ 44 KO und §§ 11, 21 AO) sein Aussonderungsrecht geltend zu machen

This seems to indicate that Widerspruchsklage and Exszindierungsklage are synomymous.

Romain, Dictionary of Legal and Commercial Terms, lists the following for Widerspruchsklage:
third-party action against execution
action in replevin
third party opposition

That would fit in with the explanation given in the German excerpt above. The seller is protecting his interests against the buyer and also against the exectuion by the buyer's creditors if the buyer should default.

For Eigentumsvorbehalt, Romain lists:
reservation of title, reservation of proprietary rights, reservation of ownership, retention of title, reservatio dominii

Hope this helps!
Peer comment(s):

Mary McCusker
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