Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
English translation:
signed for ratification / ratified / approved
Italian term
I'm confused about this word in relation to the word "firmato":
"Il presente atto viene *firmato* dalle parti contraenti e **sottoscritto** per consenso dal Responsabile dello studio."
I find that both "firmato" and "sottoscrito" can be translated as "signed". And in this context, I don't think that the other meanings of "sottoscrivere" (underwrite, subscribe) apply.
I think that they may mean that the director of the study "countersigns" the document ... but that would be "controfirmare," no?
There must be a reason that they are using the two separate words -- firmato and sottoscritto -- here. Please help me understand what they mean by "sottoscritto".
Grazie dell'aiuto!
3 +2 | signed for ratification / ratified | Jennifer Levey |
3 | undersigned | Gian |
3 | signed for approval | R.C. (X) |
Jun 25, 2011 08:25: Joseph Tein changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/578038">Joseph Tein's</a> old entry - "sottoscritto"" to ""signed for ratification / ratified""
Proposed translations
signed for ratification / ratified
agree |
: Yes, the act is signed by both parts and ratified by the Head of Office.
20 mins
agree |
Giusy Comi
: Yes. Approved, confirmed, authorized, validated.....
6 hrs
Ciao Gian, thank you also for your answer. |
signed for approval
Note added at 3 days9 hrs (2011-06-22 08:46:16 GMT)
actually I've just met a RATIFIED for a minor document signed by an underage person.
Ciao Raffaela. Thanks for your answer as well ... it's correct also. |
[ra-tì-fi-ca] s.f. (pl. -che)
• 1 dir. Atto con cui un soggetto approva un negozio stipulato in suo nome da chi non aveva titolo per rappresentarlo: r. di un contratto; riconoscimento da parte dell'organo competente della piena validità di un provvedimento:
[con-sèn-so] s.m.
• 1 Corrispondenza, concordanza di idee, di voleri
• SIN accordo: c. generale
• consenso {m} [Dir] agreement {s} [Dir]