Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
clé isolante
English translation:
isolation switch
French term
clé isolante
The sentence is > La manœuvre est assurée au moyen de la clé isolante destinée à fixer chaque départ.
Here we are referring to neutral insulation in the swichbox .
My Translation is -- The operation is ensured by the insulating key (?) designed to fasten each feeder.
Is there any specific terms for clé isolante?
4 | isolation switch | MartinPorto |
Oct 14, 2011 04:11: Monsieur Captain Haddock Created KOG entry
Oct 14, 2011 15:07: Yolanda Broad changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"
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Proposed translations
isolation switch
neutral |
Tony M
: I have to say that I have some doubts, Martin; the fact that it is used for 'manœuvre' suggests possibly a more mechanical device...
2 mins
The neutral of each feeder is equipped with a disconnecting device made of rotating bar located at the bottom of the feeder, it opens clockwise.
Also, clé could equally well be a spanner, you really need to know what form it takes, or what sort of thing it fits.
And while 'insulating' is logical enough, you shouldn't ignore the fact that this could be a 'clé' used for 'isolation', rather than being itself made of an insulating material.
I don't think this is a 'standard' technical term, but I do think it probably depends on the specific situation your document is dealing with.