Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
place of landing
Spanish translation:
lugar de residencia
English term
place of landing
**Place of Landing**/Lieu d'établissement: Toronto
PR since: [fecha]
Eyes: [color de ojos]
Height: xx
COB: xx"
¿Se podría traducir como "lugar de residencia"? No encuentro ninguna traducción oficial en este contexto. Solo he visto "lugar de aterrizaje" o "lugar de desembarque" que no cuadran dentro del contexto.
Muchas gracias por adelantado
4 +1 | lugar de residencia | Richard Velazquez |
4 | lugar de desembarque | Adrian MM. |
Jul 15, 2023 17:28: Richard Velazquez Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
lugar de residencia
lugar de desembarque
Proof of landing is required for Canadian immigration.
Note that my Irish Office Manager from Dublin had been smuggled across the USA / Canadian land border in the boot / trunk of his US-resident brother’s motor car, so had been unable to show any valid place of landing in Canada.
The immigration landing process is likewise a two step procedure: The first step entails a verification of the immigration visa/record of landing, while the second step involves the completion of the record of landing for admission into Canada.
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