Oct 3, 2018 20:50
6 yrs ago
English term

adult patient

Non-PRO English to French Medical General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters Mechanics / Mech Engineering

Je ne comprends pas cette phrase. Des patients adultes de plus de 10 kg ?

Specifically, the ventilator is applicable for pediatric through adult patients weighing more than 10 kg.

Plus précisément, le ventilateur est applicable pour un usage pédiatrique par des patients adultes pesant plus de 10 kg.

Merci de m'éclairer.
Change log

Oct 3, 2018 23:59: writeaway changed "Field (write-in)" from "adult patient" to "Mechanics / Mech Engineering"

Oct 4, 2018 17:11: Germaine changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"

Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (3): Catharine Cellier-Smart, GILLES MEUNIER, Germaine

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Séverine torralba (asker) Oct 5, 2018:
Merci pour vos réponses
Daryo Oct 3, 2018:
parsing the ventilator is applicable for paediatric through adult patients weighing more than 10 kg.
could be rearranged by taking out "through adult" from where it was inserted and putting it at the end.

Just because "weighing more than 10 kg" is near to "adult patients" doesn't mean that it's "adult patients" that are divided into "adults over 10 kg" and "adults less than 10 kg" - it's the "paediatric patients" that must have at least 10 kg.
the ventilator is applicable for patients ranging from paediatric patients weighing more than 10 kg - all the way to adult patients.
mchd Oct 3, 2018:
En particulier, le respirateur (ventilateur ?) convient à des patients de plus de 10 kg, de la pédiatrie jusqu'aux adultes.

Proposed translations

16 mins

des patients adultes aux enfants pesant plus de 10 kg


Note added at 21 mins (2018-10-03 21:12:33 GMT)

Cette formulation permet d'éviter l'expression «adultes pesant plus de 10 kg», qui sonne un peu trop comme un lapalissade!
Peer comment(s):

agree Odette Grille (X)
46 mins
Merci Odette!
agree Jenny Ann Rydberg
11 hrs
Merci Jenny!
agree Sandra Mouton
12 hrs
Merci Sandra!
neutral katsy : je mettrais plutôt, " des patients adultes, ou enfants de plus de 10 kg" (et non AUX)
14 hrs
Merci pour ton commentaire, kasty, mais il est question ici dun intervalle d'age (des grands aux petits), et non d'options (grand ou petit).
agree B D Finch : Resolves the bad English in the ST.
17 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
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