Translation Glossaries from the Web
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English to Italian basic glossary on Air Traffic Control and Slot allocations. Definitions Italian
Trilingual Cycling Glossary
Elizabeth Fragua / Public Works and Government Services - Canada | http://www.bureaudelatraduction.gc....
The Trilingual Cycling Glossary (English - French - Spanish) was prepared in anticipation of the upcoming Hamilton Road World Cycling Championships scheduled for October 6-12, 2003. It contains over 200 entries, including terminological information on cycling in general.
Downloadable PDF file. Glossary starts from page 15.
Trilingual Cycling Glossary
Translation Bureau of Canada |
PDF file, 92 pages, 2003. Terminology Bulletin 253. "The Trilingual Cycling Glossary was prepared in anticipation of the upcoming Hamilton Road World Cycling Championships scheduled for October 6-12, 2003. It contains over 200 entries, including terminological information on cycling in general." • Lexique trilingue sur le cyclisme / Léxico trilingü... View more
Every industry has its unique terms, and international trade is no different. Words like "bailment", "mala fides", and "tender" have their own special meanings in the business of trade, and if you want to learn them, go to the Dictionary of International Trade Terms. This dictionary, part of the International Trade Data System of the U.S. Cus... View more