Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Словарь предназначен для широкой аудитории, экономистов и экологов, студентов и журналистов, интересующихся тем, что такое изменение климата, как работает Конвенция ООН по климату, какая терминология используется при заключении контрактов и сопровождении международных проектов по снижению выбросов парниковых газов, в том числе с российским участием... View more
Abkürzungen im Emissionshandel
avantTime Consulting GmbH, Tübingen | http://www.verbraucher-initiative.k...
Auch der Emissionshandel kommt nicht ohne Abkürzungen aus. Finden Sie hier die Begriffe, die sich dahinter verbergen.
Glossary of Climate Change Terms
U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Climate change related terms and links.
Auto Glossary |
With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from basic do-it-yourself (DIY) car and engine repair to steering, suspension, brakes, transmissions and differentials, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tune up, drive-ability, and emissions.... View more
Carbon glossary
Point carbon |
Large glossary about power, gas and carbon emissions (CO2).
Glossary of Climate Change Terms
US Environmental Protection Agency |
Global Warming - Glossary of Climate Change Terms
Glossar Emissionsmarktplatz
Hi-Tech Media AG |
Glossar Emissionsmarktplatz (DE) - monolingual
English only but big. Also acronyms. "With over 10,000 acronyms, abbreviations, definitions, and classic and contemporary terms and jargon from all areas of the automobile from engine repair to steering, suspension, breaks[I guess they mean brakes..], transmissions and differential's, including air-conditioning, engine performance diagnosis, tun... View more
Lots of terms and abbrviations both in German and in English with explanations in German for the most part. In Anhang G in addition to definitions helpful links are given. Helpful for English Я German environmental translators.
There are lots of English/ German terms and abbreviations with definitions and explanations. Could be helpful for English - German Interpreters when translating Environmental texts.
Anhang A Glossar
google search |
This is the html version of the file Its actual address is: Helpful For German & English translators of Environmental texts.
Anhang A Glossar
google-search |
Abbreviation below (KP - Kyoto-ProtoKoll and Marrakesh Accords) or EU(EU-Emissionshandelsrichtlinie) presents how far the terms should be explaned. Could be helpful for Eng-Germ environmental translators. Some of them are provided with links. Pages from 275 to 308, approximatelz 100 English and German terms with definitions in German.