The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Serbian to English Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Translation Glossary

Serbian term English translation
asistent pripravnik ...
bankarski službenik-ogled bank clerk - pilot profile/program
Entered by: Cedomir Pusica
br. uop Certification and Authentication Register No. (CAR No.)
bračne smetnje impediments to marriage
delovodni broj reference/
Entered by: Goran Tasic
Diplomirani biolog zaštite životne sredine Bachelor of Environmental Biology
Diplomirani profesor jezika i knjizevnosti Bachelor of Arts(B.A.) in language and literature/ Bachelor of teaching language and literature
doktor medicine medical doctor
elektrotehničar automatike electrical technician for automatic control
evidencija prebivalista gradjana the citizens'residence record
ispostava field office
izvod iz matične knjige rođenih/venčanih birth/marriage certificate
Entered by: Goran Tasic
Jedinstveni Maticni broj gradjana Unique Citizens Identity Number
Entered by: Goran Tasic
kategorija do 35 godina the under-35 category
m.p. place stamp / seal here
master filolog Master of Arts [MA] in [English] Philology
Metodika PPD, PP, PD Teaching method PPD, PP,PD
Monter suve gradnje dry construction fitter
Mr dipl. ing. mašinstva MScME
OMJ Mechanized Cavalry - MC
ONO I DSZ SFRJ total national/people’s defence and social self-protection of SFRY
osnovne studije undergraduate studies
podaci o roditeljima Parents
popravni ispit resit
prava koja mu po zakonu pripadaju rights he is entitled to under the law
Profesor XXX Professor Dr.Sc.Med.
Računari u sistemima upravljanja Computers in control systems
raspoređen na poslovima assigned to the position
sh.r.o course for reserve officers
stepenasta osovinica sa žlebom stepped pin with groove/slot; grooved/slotted stepped pin
Entered by: V&M Stanković
stručni radnik prosvetne struke educational expert
Upis zaključivanja braka an entry of the solemnization of the marriage
upisati godinu drugi put to repeat a year
Uverenje o slobodnom bračnom stanju Certificate of No Impediment
uvjerenje o bračnom statusu marital status certificate
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
vaspitački smer major in teaching (methodology)
VGM ? Civil Superintendent Registrar
viši fizioterapeut senior physiotherapist
Entered by: Dinap
Visa hotelijerska skola The College of Hotel Management
visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija technical college of vocational studies; four-year technical college of professional career studies
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