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Japanese to English Law: Taxation & Customs Translation Glossary

Japanese term English translation
$B8c<R(B our company,we, our or us
$B9k;0(B mitsubishi australia branch
反面調査 third-party contact
定期同額給与 Fixed regular (monthly) salaries for executives
完全支配関係 full controlling interest
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
差引確定法人税額 Final corporate tax after all deductions
中間納付還付譲渡割額 transferable interim payments refundable
Entered by: Garth Morton
事前確定届出給与 Pre-determined/pre-reported salaries for executives
役員給与 ・ 役員報酬 Directors' Salary/Remuneration
使途秘匿金 beneficiary-concealed-disbursement
土地区分所有税額 Condominium Property Tax
出資1口 Unit amount of contribution
充当金取崩しによる納付 Tax payment by disposing the reserve (account) for taxes
国空事第64号 国内航空運送事業
社員の3人以下及びこれらの同族関係者の合計人数のうち最も多い数 The higher number of: three or less firm staff, total of related stakeholders within a company
税理士法第30条の書面提出有 Documents have been submitted pursuant to Article 30 of Certified Tax Accountant Law
積戻し申告(大額) Declaration for reshipment (large amounts)
Entered by: cinefil
納税充当金 funds appropriate for tax / tax reserve
繰入額 transfer
給与収入 income(earnings) from employment
Entered by: Harry Oikawa
違約品 non-conforming goods
Entered by: cinefil
非適格合併 Non-qualified merger
非適格分割型分割 Improper diversification
行為年月事業年度 Business Activity Period
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
被支配会社 controlled company
Entered by: Miho Ohashi
食品等輸入届出済証 Food Import Notification Certificate
Entered by: David Patrick
補償損失引当金 compensation loss reserve
Entered by: cinefil
該非判定書 parameter sheet
課税口 Taxable(s), taxable account (depends on context)
調整控除額 Adjusted deduction amount
Entered by: David Patrick
貨郵業第XX-XX号 貨物郵便業
集団投資信託 collective investment trust
連結事業年度 consolidated fiscal year/consolidated financial year
連結個別資本金 Consolidated capital
teihaku zei anchorage fee
[項   号] paragraph, item
Entered by: cinefil
控用 your copy, duplicate
Entered by: Dr Sarai Pahla, MBChB
損失準備金勘定からの戻入額 reversal from the reserve for loss account
損益金処分表 profit and loss appropriation statement
損金不算入額 non-deductible
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