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Search results: (625 matches)
Déjà Vu support WHERE IS THE A-Z SORTING FUNCTION ON DVX3 PRO?? Where to click Try clicking on the name of your source language
at the top of the grid. It's a toggle switch
between alphabetical and chronological order. Note
that if there is a number in front of the t
Victor Dewsbery Apr 6, 2023
Translator resources Problems with number formats How much is 20.525? Depending on your language and
its numbering conventions, it may be slightly over
twenty - or more than twenty thousand! There is a
bewildering variety of formats for
Victor Dewsbery Mar 15, 2023
Translator resources How much is a "billion"? Terminology for large numbers More complications in other countries I believe that Canada has similar problems to
South Africa: the long scale system in French and
the short scale system in English. There are also
several countries which use completely di
Victor Dewsbery Jan 11, 2023
Translator resources How much is a "billion"? Terminology for large numbers A blog article exploring the terminology for large
numbers and the historical background of the
number formats, with reference to the terminology
in German and
English. http://languag
Victor Dewsbery Jan 10, 2023
Déjà Vu support Are there any news about DVX4? Not sure what you mean Epameinondas, do you mean that you are unable to
install DVX3 on your system?
Victor Dewsbery Jan 7, 2020
Déjà Vu support Are there any news about DVX4? Not quite true Epameinondas, this passage from your message is
not accurate: [quote] all TMs and TBs I created
in DVX2 and DVX3 will remain inaccessible forever,
unless I find a PC running Windows 7 o
Victor Dewsbery Jan 7, 2020
Translator resources Another blog article on construction terminology (German-English) I have written another article on German-English
terminology in the construction
Victor Dewsbery Mar 25, 2019
Translator resources Blog article on building terminology (German-English) Hi, I have just posted a blog article on
German-English terminology in the construction
industry. It is not really a glossary - I deal
with just 6 terms and point out how the
Victor Dewsbery Jan 9, 2019
Déjà Vu support DVX3 professional suddenly in FREE mode Reboot? What happens if you reboot the laptop? Victor Dewsbery Mar 31, 2018
Déjà Vu support DVX3 professional suddenly in FREE mode Have you used DVX3 on any other machine? In some licence models you can transfer your DVX3
licence between different computers (e.g. a
desktop and a laptop, for example if you use it
when travelling). When you transfer it back to
Victor Dewsbery Mar 31, 2018
Déjà Vu support Translation Memory and Termbase windows disappeared from interface "AutoSearch" icon (bottom middle) Mario, the bottom right of Marcus' screenshot was
the first place I looked, and I saw that those
tabs weren't there. But there is one other detail
on the screenshot that I overlooked. If
Victor Dewsbery Sep 23, 2017
Déjà Vu support Translation Memory and Termbase windows disappeared from interface A long trip down memory lane It's donkey's years since I worked in DVX2, but
I'm sure you can turn the TM/TB display on using
either the View tab or under File/Options.
Victor Dewsbery Sep 22, 2017
Translation Theory and Practice New blog post: "We ran out of legs" I have posted a new blog article on the sentence
"We ran out of legs", and what this short sentence
tells us about the art of
Victor Dewsbery Oct 13, 2016
Déjà Vu support Tabulation in Deja Vu X3. How to create? CTRL-Shift-I It is a simple key combo, CTRL-Shift-I. There is
a list of shortcuts
Victor Dewsbery Apr 2, 2015
Business issues Reality vs Theory (or, ‘A Kaleidoscopic Symphony of Eurogibberish’) New opportunities Translation job Porglish to Dunglish. Any takers? Victor Dewsbery Oct 22, 2014
Getting established Translating and Interpreting for Christian Churches. Is there lots of work? Hi from another Christian When I started as a freelance translator, several
of my early jobs were for Christian publishers.
The content was usually right up my street, but
looking back, these jobs were the lowest p
Victor Dewsbery Oct 18, 2014
Déjà Vu support Failure to export .xlsx file Try importing with a different filter I assume that you are working in DVX3 and using
the "Microsoft Live" filter to import the file. If
so, you could try changing the name of the file
slightly, but otherwise importing the sam
Victor Dewsbery Aug 22, 2014
Linguistic diversity The (almost) speechless translator The point of it all [quote]Robert Rietvelt wrote: All I wanted to say
is that I didn't (and still don't) understand the
purpose of your thread. I am sorry (no bad
connotation meant :-)), nice blog, but what
Victor Dewsbery May 23, 2014
Linguistic diversity The (almost) speechless translator Country of contrasts [quote]Tim Drayton wrote: Somebody who came away
from Israeli-controlled territory with a rather
Victor Dewsbery May 22, 2014
Linguistic diversity The (almost) speechless translator Different approach Hi Robert, I am intrigued by your approach to such
blog posts and your evaluation which seems
exclusively based on the newness of the
information presented. My approach is to
Victor Dewsbery May 22, 2014
Linguistic diversity The (almost) speechless translator I have just published a blog article, "The
(almost) speechless translator", at
most-speechless-translator.html It contains
Victor Dewsbery May 21, 2014
Déjà Vu support Hebrew text doesn't appear right Mixed directionality in Hebrew Yes, I had noticed the mixed directionality in
Hebrew - in the middle of a passage of Hebrew with
right-to-left text there are numbers in
left-to-right format. There are different
Victor Dewsbery May 19, 2014
Déjà Vu support Hebrew text doesn't appear right Text recognition in Hebrew In theory it should work if you follow the
following steps: 1. Define Hebrew as one of the
languages when you set up your project. 2. Select
a Hebrew font under File>Options>Display>Hebr
Victor Dewsbery May 19, 2014
Linguistic diversity Translation to Minority Languages Cart before the horse I doubt that there are many MONOLINGUAL speakers
of Welsh in the UK, Sorbian in Germany and other
minority languages in countries with a pervasive
main language which plays a dominant role
Victor Dewsbery Apr 16, 2014
Déjà Vu support Sneak preview of Déjà Vu X3! Depends on the workflow [quote]Epameinondas Soufleros wrote: I have
started writing my translation, but want to copy a
proper name from the source segment. It's that
simple. The F5 is not good enough in this cas
Victor Dewsbery Jan 13, 2014
Déjà Vu support Sneak preview of Déjà Vu X3! Copy to where? [quote]Epameinondas Soufleros wrote: 1. Hit Tab
to jump to the source segment 2. Mark the part of
the segment to be copied (perhaps a brand-name or
a model number, which should not be<
Victor Dewsbery Jan 13, 2014
Déjà Vu support Sneak preview of Déjà Vu X3! One key good enough? [quote]Olav Karlsen wrote: I would like to see a
2-key copy from source command option in DVX3 like
the one Trados has. When the tags get really
garbled in the assembled translation, it i
Victor Dewsbery Jan 13, 2014
Déjà Vu support Sneak preview of Déjà Vu X3! Sneak preview extras Hi Michael, I can confirm that the ribbon can be
hidden in DVX3, so the normal working height in
the grid is more than in DVX2. And the document
preview window is great to work with. I no
Victor Dewsbery Jan 9, 2014
Getting established German - English translation. A dying industry? Specialisation and language command There are many elastic concepts involved here. It
is impossible to diagnose from a distance how much
real expertise an "IT course" gives you, nor is it
possible to classify IT translation
Victor Dewsbery Jan 7, 2014
Getting established German - English translation. A dying industry? How long is a piece of string? German-English translation is not a single market.
There are many different types of job, different
budgets etc. Clients range from the cheapskate
"envelope switchers" whose main argument
Victor Dewsbery Jan 6, 2014
Déjà Vu support DVX2 installed - problems with menus and can't repair as no .msi file found Introduction to working with DVX2 Hi, To get the full benefit from working with
DVX2, you may find it helpful to watch Atril's
videos or look at reading material. For a list of
videos: http://www.atril.
Victor Dewsbery Dec 21, 2013
Déjà Vu support Spell check in MS Word doesn't work on exported projects Redesigning Microsoft? About your PS: I suppose there are lots of
elements in Microsoft products that could be
described as "sort of stupid", for example the way
these fiddly little checkboxes seem to be hidden<
Victor Dewsbery Jul 18, 2013
Déjà Vu support Spell check in MS Word doesn't work on exported projects Word Options In my Word 2007 there is a big round symbol at the
top left of the Word window which brings up a list
of recent documents and a button labelled in
German as "Word-Optionen". Clicking that
Victor Dewsbery Jul 17, 2013
Déjà Vu support Spell check in MS Word doesn't work on exported projects Possible solution This happens to me in Word 2007 sometimes. I solve
it by the following steps: 1. Select the whole
document (CTRL-A) and set the language to the
target language, making sure that the box "
Victor Dewsbery Jul 17, 2013
Translator resources Looking for guidelines to assess Bible translations Literature on the web Martin Luther wrote a treatise on his Bible
translation, which is available in German and
(I only know the German version of
Victor Dewsbery Jun 21, 2013
Translator resources Looking for guidelines to assess Bible translations On the web, or as e-books Perhaps Wycliffe or the Bible Societies have some
stuff on the web or in e-book format. And whatever
your urgent short-term need, I am sure that a
project like this will continue in the lo
Victor Dewsbery Jun 21, 2013
Translator resources Looking for guidelines to assess Bible translations Cultural adequacy In the type of context you describe, the possible
pitfalls for cultural adequacy in the translation
cover much more than the "heavyweight" social and
theological terms such as king, temple
Victor Dewsbery Jun 21, 2013
Translator resources Looking for guidelines to assess Bible translations What do you want to assess? There are many different criteria that can be
applied: - Accuracy at the word/sentence level -
Cultural adequacy - Readability -
Doctrinal/philosophical approach of the
Victor Dewsbery Jun 21, 2013
Déjà Vu support Translating .msg files with DVX2? Yes Yes, although you may need to drag them from the
directory to the Outlook window, but then you can
save them individually.
Victor Dewsbery Jun 20, 2013
Déjà Vu support Translating .msg files with DVX2? HTML or Word With Outlook you can save them in htm/html format,
or you can copy/paste the translatable content to
Word, then process them in DVX2 It is highly
unusual to have to translate a number of
Victor Dewsbery Jun 20, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you organize your Translation Memories? Other A single big TM for everything I've done since
1999 (possible with DVX2), plus a number of small
TMs for stuff I have received from clients for
specific jobs.
Victor Dewsbery May 15, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help CAT tools for PDF files Various PDF conversion options I know that DVX2 has a PDF import filter. Like the
SDL product, it is worth checking, and sometimes
the results will be good, but everything depends
on the quality of the imported PDF file
Victor Dewsbery May 13, 2013
Off topic Is there a world record for the fastest translator? World speed record for meditating or music? [quote]ZeHgS wrote: Translating (or languages in
general) is one of my three passions, alongside
with music and, first and foremost, meditation!
[/quote] Perhaps you could try for a w
Victor Dewsbery May 10, 2013
Translator resources Critique of the TAUS "dynamic quality" concept (blog) My latest blog post takes a critical look at the
concept of "dynamic quality evaluation" and the
rhetorics used by TAUS to promote
Victor Dewsbery May 8, 2013
Money matters EXTREMELY insulting offer from subagency shark Refreshingly honest I agree with Jessica - this guy is being
disarmingly honest. I wish all cold e-mailers were
this honest about their terms, it would save me
the decision of whether to take the time to writ
Victor Dewsbery Apr 8, 2013
Déjà Vu support Problem with display area in Deja Vu More ideas I suppose I should have asked what version of
Déjà Vu you are using. My suggestions are based
on DVX2, and the current version number is
8.0.620. I would suggest updating to the latest
Victor Dewsbery Mar 29, 2013
Déjà Vu support Problem with display area in Deja Vu Perhaps no longer docked to the right of the screen One possibility is that the subsidiary windows
have become undocked from the right of the screen.
When you drag the windows around with the mouse,
you eventually hit a spot where the subsi
Victor Dewsbery Mar 26, 2013
Déjà Vu support How to change the direction of a TM As easy as falling off a log In DVX2 you can simply attach the TM to the
project, and it will be used with the same
language direction as the project. No preparatory
steps necessary. On several occasions, I have
Victor Dewsbery Mar 20, 2013
CAT Tools Technical Help Translating a document containing two columns with CAT tool - help needed One way is to use DVX2 [quote]drevetph wrote: I have the source text in
the left column and an empty left column where I
have to write the target text. As there is a lot
of words and repetitions I would like to
Victor Dewsbery Mar 4, 2013
Déjà Vu support One of my DV X2 TM´s suffers amnesia... Bingo [quote]Matthias Brombach wrote: Hi Victor, thanks
for coming back to this topic. I think I get your
point. And from time to time you create a new
project with the same settings, I assume,
Victor Dewsbery Feb 13, 2013

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