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How can I get translation experience?
Thread poster: Helena Cuñado
Penelope Ausejo
Penelope Ausejo  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:40
English to Spanish
+ ...
Completely agree Dec 7, 2008

Orla Ryan wrote:

I'd think you'd get more work concentrating on your DE-ES and NL-ES language pairs. As you probably know by now, the EN-ES is a pretty big pond and there are many people before you in that queue.

Also, you could pick up some work over the Christmas period when other translators are on holidays.

All vacation periods are a good time to find new clients. Good luck!

Anna Villegas
Anna Villegas
Local time: 07:40
English to Spanish
Completely agree with Kevin Dec 7, 2008

Kevin Lossner wrote:
Something else our colleague might consider is ditching the anonymity. I can't see how that would be helpful in this case.

Helena sounds infinitely sweeter & understandable than "wunschmerz". Besides, if you are addressing to the Spanish market, make it easier for us to pronounce and write!

Stephanie Wloch
Stephanie Wloch  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:40
Member (2003)
Dutch to German
Good screenshot indeed, Carvallo Dec 7, 2008

Carvallo wrote:
"I am looking for jobs, I do not mind working for agencies or as freelance, but I never get anything."
Wunschmerz almost broke my heart with such a complaint.
I agree with Kevin that your screenshot is very helpful. Learning a new software in your case pays off twice: happy client plus handy and handsome advice for colleagues.:-)

By the way, I can see you work with few translation tools.
Thank you for visiting my profile.

That's Ok if you feel comfortable the way you do it.

The main thing is that my clients feel comfortable the way I do.
Btw: many years ago I used to work with a CAT tool.
Un cordial saludo a Mèjico

Wunschmerz, Orla is right that concentrating on Dutch> Spanish would be a smart thing to do. At the last powwow a British colleague asked me, if I could earn my living by translating exclusively from Dutch into German. You bet! The Dutch economy very dynamic.

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
German to English
+ ...
Helena? Dec 7, 2008

Carvallo wrote:
Helena sounds infinitely sweeter & understandable than "wunschmerz".

She's got a name like Helena and uses that awful pseudonym? Oh dear. That's a beautiful name; just attach a surname to it, a representative picture that isn't too artsy (I hate those photos that look like the translator is just another bilingual actress or model who can't find work), and then we'll have real person with a real presence to attract new clients. I haven't look at your profile to see if you have good examples of your work, but I'm sure you can use more. Take Carvallo's hint about subject areas and focus on the ones he prioritized for your samples - that will probably get you farther faster.

As for the "learn more software" advice, I don't necessarily agree with that. You can do fine with what you have listed if you do it well. Personally I think the whole world should use that lovely Spanish CAT tool that I'm so fond of, but as long as you are a Trados user, I hope you are going about becoming a good one, not just another person who claims to be competent with Trados but runs screaming from TagEditor and can't use MultiTerm in any meaningful way. Cover those aspects and advertise your skill and that will help you.

[Edited at 2008-12-07 22:39 GMT]

Helena Cuñado
Helena Cuñado
Local time: 15:40
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thank you for the advice Dec 7, 2008

Hello once again

Thank you for all your advice

I didn't think about writing my real name, or at least an "easier" one, but, well, it sounds like a reasonable thing

I am working in my profile and preparing some samples, but I wanna do it the right way, so it will take me a little time. I am also considering the software issue,
... See more
Hello once again

Thank you for all your advice

I didn't think about writing my real name, or at least an "easier" one, but, well, it sounds like a reasonable thing

I am working in my profile and preparing some samples, but I wanna do it the right way, so it will take me a little time. I am also considering the software issue, but in fact I hate it. I know that translation memories and CAT tools can be useful in many ways, but for me working with trados is just tedious. I only learn about it because almost every client asks for trados, but it really drives me mad! (in my CV I specify that I have basic knowledge of trados, maybe in 2 or 3 years I will be truly used to it) And I also agree with you, Mr Lossner, there are better CAT tools than trados, and more affordable.

Thank you very much all of you.

Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:40
German to English
+ ...
Names & CAT tools Dec 8, 2008

wunschmerz wrote:
I didn't think about writing my real name, or at least an "easier" one, but, well, it sounds like a reasonable thing
... there are better CAT tools than trados, and more affordable.

With regards to names, think about it from the perspective of a potential client who might have a job worth thousands of euros. S/he might not want to dig down to your CV to figure out that you have a real name.

Speaking of CV's, yours tells me that you don't know how to format with MS Word! Learn to use tabs and margins at least, and don't rely on spaces for your formatting. And think about using a CV in PDF rather than Word format. Oh yes... it's in Spanish, which is OK (though I don't read much of that language), but it is marked "English" on your profile. ProZ now allows language instances of CVs. (I have a German and an English one posted, for example.) I'd get that sorted out if I were you.

If you want to try a saner CAT tool, go download the demos for MemoQ (Kilgray) and Déjà Vu X (Atril) and have a look at the various procedures for doing Trados jobs that are described on the "How To" tab of my profile. You already have Trados installed on your system, so you can use it for the prep work. I rarely do more than that these days.

Ahmed Maher
Ahmed Maher  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:40
English to Arabic
+ ...
Investments Dec 8, 2008


Translation is a mere business. You had to understand that you need to invest to be experienced.
You had to spend specified hours every day to develop your abilities in this field. This is the main issue that you need to adopt.
Then, self confident is your second weapon.

I hope you success. I apologize for this short answer, but I am too busy.

Ahmed Maher

Esra Doyuk
Esra Doyuk
Local time: 16:40
English to Turkish
Wiki: Nice tip for experience Mar 29, 2010

Gerard de Noord wrote:

Andrei Yefimov wrote:


All you need to do is translate, translate, translate. There is no other way, believe me.


And why not start right away with some Wikipedia articles in your favourite subjects?

Just do it,

Very brilliant idea! Thank you.

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How can I get translation experience?

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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Protemos translation business management system
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