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Thread poster: FarkasAndras
FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Dec 30, 2014

Hi all, I know a couple of people here are TMLookup users, so here is some TMLookup news:
Thanks to some motivation coming from a user, I started working on TMLookup again. A new version is coming with a couple of new features and bug fixes, and at least one further version is planned.

Feedback on the new features is welcome, as are feature suggestions.

For now, 1.2
... See more
Hi all, I know a couple of people here are TMLookup users, so here is some TMLookup news:
Thanks to some motivation coming from a user, I started working on TMLookup again. A new version is coming with a couple of new features and bug fixes, and at least one further version is planned.

Feedback on the new features is welcome, as are feature suggestions.

For now, 1.2 is not on the site, only in dropbox:

From the changelog:

New in 1.1:
- Support for importing multiple files in one go, making the settings only once (relies on auto-recognizing languages, do not use with mixed tabbed files)
- Match highlighting made a little more reliable
- Bugfix: importing multilingual files and skipping the first column works now

New in 1.2:
- Parentheses in the search term don't crash the program any more
- TMLookup now remembers the column setup of the most recently used database
- New export/delete options added to Edit menu
- Files can be imported based on a file list (.lst file containing one file path per line)
- Ctrl-Del and Ctrl-Backspace delete whole words in the search boxes
- Tab/shift-tab now switches between search boxes
- Graphical error messages added, console window hidden

Planned for 1.3:
Fixing the graphics bugs at last.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:14
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
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Thanks! Dec 30, 2014

Testing now.


Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:14
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
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hmm Dec 30, 2014

Haven't been able to get it to work. It seems to keep starting processes that I can't kill without "Unlocker 1.9.2" (there are 4 of them visible in Process Explorer right now) without rebooting. They end up here:

... See more
Haven't been able to get it to work. It seems to keep starting processes that I can't kill without "Unlocker 1.9.2" (there are 4 of them visible in Process Explorer right now) without rebooting. They end up here:


No idea what is going on. I think it might be related to or caused by my AV (Avast). Will keep trying.


FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
English to Hungarian
+ ...
That is odd Dec 30, 2014

It works fine for me and another user. Maybe the exe got damaged in transit?
My exe is 7 707 892 bytes and the MD5 checksum is 9c836ad5e41050219cbf252cc16802c8. Please check and/or redownload.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Finnish to French
Same here Dec 31, 2014

Michael Beijer wrote:
They end up here:


Me too:


Funny thing is the size of the .exe that ends up there:

31/12/2014 09:43 53,248 TMLookup.exe

Yet the .exe I obtained from the ZIP has the correct size:

28/12/2014 11:34 7,707,892 TMLookup.exe

Looks like András should go back to the drawing board.

This is on 64-bit Windows 7 Pro, btw.

Michael Beijer wrote:
I think it might be related to or caused by my AV (Avast).

I don't think so, since I don't have Avast on my machine (using MSSE).

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Fix Dec 31, 2014

Having to fix one bug is hardly a 'back to the drawing board' situation. It's par for the course with a new/beta version.
This is a trivial one, it occurs when there is no existing setup file and the program wants to create one (the new graphical warning message is buggy). I fixed it for the next release, meanwhile, you can just copy the setup file of an older version into the folder of the new version.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Finnish to French
Translation for the rest of us Dec 31, 2014

FarkasAndras wrote:
meanwhile, you can just copy the setup file of an older version into the folder of the new version.

The above means:

1. Download TMLookup 1.0 from here.
2. Extract the content of the Zip
3. Run (the old, 1.0) TMLookup.exe, which will create a file called TMLookup_setup.txt
4. Copy TMLookup_setup.txt to the folder of the new (1.2) TMLookup.exe
5. Run TMLookup.exe 1.2

FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Well... Dec 31, 2014

Yes, but I assume that everyone who is interested in testing a new version before it is released on the official site has used the previous version, and thus has the setup file on their computer already.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:14
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
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still can't get it to work Dec 31, 2014

Dominique Pivard wrote:

FarkasAndras wrote:
meanwhile, you can just copy the setup file of an older version into the folder of the new version.

The above means:

1. Download TMLookup 1.0 from here.
2. Extract the content of the Zip
3. Run (the old, 1.0) TMLookup.exe, which will create a file called TMLookup_setup.txt
4. Copy TMLookup_setup.txt to the folder of the new (1.2) TMLookup.exe
5. Run TMLookup.exe 1.2

I did many things, one of them the above steps, and I still can't get it to work. Don't have time now so will just wait for an updated release and try again then.


FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Fixed Dec 31, 2014

Please try this:

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Finnish to French
It does work here Dec 31, 2014

Michael Beijer wrote:
I did many things, one of them the above steps, and I still can't get it to work.

It does work here, even without the fix released by András:

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:14
Finnish to French
Wrong assumption Dec 31, 2014

FarkasAndras wrote:
Yes, but I assume that everyone who is interested in testing a new version before it is released on the official site has used the previous version, and thus has the setup file on their computer already.

Actually, it was the first time I actually used TMLookup, so I didn't have any setup file on my computer.

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:14
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
+ ...
have to disable all shields in Avast to get it to run Dec 31, 2014

OK, finally got it to work. The updated version. However, the only way to get it to run is to disable all protection in Avast. If I don't, it won't start, spawning process after process (visible in Process Explorer).


I obviously tried to add the program to the exclusions thingee in Avast, but just can't get this to work. No idea what I am doing wrong.

I run it from here: "C:\Users\michaelbeijer\Dropbox\Programs\TMLookup\TMLookup.exe", and so added "C:\Users\michaelbeijer\Dropbox\Programs\TMLookup\*" to my exclusions list in Avast. But it doesn't work.

Any suggestions?


[Edited at 2014-12-31 20:09 GMT]

[Edited at 2014-12-31 20:29 GMT]

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 05:14
Member (2009)
Dutch to English
+ ...
Hallelujah! Dec 31, 2014

OK, finally got it working. Had to reset Avast completely. No idea what happened, but it works now.

Settings > Troubleshooting > Restore factory defaults


FarkasAndras  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:14
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Avast Jan 1, 2015

That is a little odd, but I guess AV programs can have bad hair days too. I use avast myself too, and it didn't complain about the new exe at all.

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