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    • English
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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          • Term
            • strip grazing
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          • Definition(s)
            • Confining animals to an area of grazing land to be grazed in a relatively short period of time, where the paddock size is varied to allow access to a specific land. Strip grazing may or may not be a form of rotational stocking, depending on whether or not specific paddocks are utilised for recurring periods of grazing and rest.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Strip grazing would rarely be suitable for low stocking rates as winter pastures can usually sustain these grazing pressures. However, if pasture growth is hindered by soil fertility or low plant density, strip grazing may be beneficial. - by
            • Strip grazing can be easily superimposed on control grazing in large paddocks by placing movable electric fences ahead and behind the goats, giving them sufficient forage for two to three days. Strip grazing is very effective and results in high pasture utilization because otherwise goats will not graze soiled forage well. - eXtension by
            • Strip grazing on a three-day frequency yielded more than 40% more grazing days per acre than allocating a 14-day forage supply and produced the same level of animal gain. This can reduce the amount of mud compared to Feeding hay in the same location all winter. - by
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    • Hindi
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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          • Term
            • पट्टीय चराई, नियंत्रित क्षेत्र में चराई
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          • Definition(s)
            • पशुओं को अपेक्षाकृत कम अवधि में चरागाह की चराई की जानेवाली भूमि तक सीमित रखना जिसमें चरागाह के आकार को इस रूप में सीमित किया जाता है कि पशुओं की पहुंच भूमि के एक विशेष हिस्से तक नियंत्रित हो। पट्टीय चराई या नियंत्रित क्षेत्र में चराई आवर्ती चरागाह के रूप में हो भी सकती है और नहीं भी। यह इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि विशिष्ट चरागाहों का उपयोग चराई और अवकाश की आवर्ती अवधियों के लिए किया जाता है या नहीं। Own research - by C.M. Rawal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • पट्टीय चराई या नियंत्रित क्षेत्र में चराई एक प्रकार की नियंत्रित या प्रतिबंधित चराई होती है जिसमें चराई के क्षेत्र को निर्धारित किया जाता है। In the AGROVOC Thesaurus by Food And Agriculture Organization of the United States, the Hindi term for Strip Grazing has been given as पट्टीय चराई. However, a better term in Hindi would be नियंत्रित क्षेत्र में चराई This term would give the reader a clear meaning because in India, we have defined areas for grazing which may not be in the form of strips. - AGROVOC Thesaurus by FAO of US by C.M. Rawal
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