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    • English
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        • Term
          • homebrew
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        • Definition(s)
          • Homebrew is a term used to describe games and other software developed by consumers of proprietary computer hardware platforms, such as game consoles, that have hardware restrictions and are not usually user-programmable. The development of homebrew software is often for the purposes of expanding the function of the restricted hardware device, such as making a game console do more than just play games by enabling DVD playback or serving as a home theater PC (HTPC). Techopedia
        • Example sentence(s)
          • As with consoles from that era, that meant Vieira’s homebrew console needed to be separated into three major parts: the CPU, the video chip, and the sound chip. He also wanted analog video output and support for two controllers. - by
          • Along with the Dreamcast, Game Boy Advance, and PlayStation Portable, the most frequently used platforms for homebrew development are older generations of consoles, among them the Atari 2600 and Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). - Ultimate Pop Culture Wiki by
          • Yerrick deeply understands how the law applies to what he does, and how homebrew games have been the subject of some unwanted attention. This has caused Yerrick to take a handful of his games offline out of concern about potential litigation. In fact, Yerrick points to intellectual property disputes as the leading cause of trouble for homebrew developers. - Code Write Play by
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