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    • English
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          • food desert
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        • Definition(s)
          • An area where there is little or no access to healthy food. Cambridge Blog
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          • These are also the groups most likely to live in food deserts, and researchers have established a strong correlation between food insecurity and increased diabetes rates. One study of Chicago neighborhoods found the death rate from diabetes in food deserts to be twice that of areas offering access to grocery stores, [14] while another conducted in California found that adults ages 50 and over from black and brown communities had double the diabetes rate of whites from the same age demographic. - Food Is Power by
          • Educating those in the community or tract of the food desert can help make changes, such as growing their own food and working with local convenience stores to sell healthier food options. Public awareness of food deserts can lead to healthy discourse and may even lead to ideas about how to end food deserts in America once and for all. - Gardening Know-how by
          • The key to getting food into food deserts is to make it as easy as possible for people to access fresh, healthy food. - Shareable by
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    • Italian
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          • Deserto alimentare
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          • Un luogo di carenza, aridità e mancanza di viveri, un’area geografica in cui sia difficile ottenere cibo sano, biologico o naturale, soprattutto per coloro i quali non utilizzano l’automobile per spostarsi. Deserto alimentare: quando il cibo sano è impossibile da trovare L’espressione è stata coniata nel 1995 da un report del Governo britannico redatto da un gruppo di professionisti della nutrizione. Nel tempo, con l’aumento della consapevolezza relativa alla necessità di nutrirsi con alimenti salutari, il deserto alimentare è andato sempre più a connotare la difficoltà di reperire non solo cibo-spazzatura, correlando strettamente tale impossibilità con il tasso di patologie dovute ad uno stile alimentare sbagliato, imperniato sul cosiddetto cibo spazzatura: obesità, diabete o disturbi cardiovascolari, infatti, sembrano avere un’incidenza maggiore nelle persone che consumano alimenti ricchi di grassi, calorie, sale o zucchero. TuttoGreen - by Anne Savaris
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Un milione e duecentomila persone nel Regno Unito vivono in deserti alimentari, cioè in quartieri in cui la povertà, la carenza di trasporto pubblico e la scarsità di grandi supermercati limitano gravemente l’accesso a frutta e verdura fresche a prezzi accessibili. - Il fatto alimentare by Anne Savaris
          • Che cos’è un deserto alimentare? Il governo degli Stati Uniti definisce un deserto alimentare come “un trattato di censimento a basso reddito in cui un numero considerevole o una quota di residenti ha un accesso limitato a un supermercato o a un grande negozio di alimentari. “ - Les jardins de sanne by Anne Savaris
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    • Arabic
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          • صحراء غذائية
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          • صحراء الطعام هي منطقة، وخصوصًا تلك التي تحوي سكان ذوي دخل قليل، تملك مصادر محدودة للطعام المغذي في متناول اليد. Wikipedia - by Hassan Achahbar
        • Example sentence(s)
          • وتعيش بعض الأسر في المناطق الحضرية في ’صحارى غذائية‘، أو أحياء لا توجد فيها حوانيت تبيع الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة أو الأغذية الصحية. - UNICEF by Hassan Achahbar
          • وفي حين أن هناك عدة تعريفات للصحراء الغذائية، إلا أن المعادلة من وزارة الزراعة، التي تشتمل على الدخل المتدني والقدرة المتدنية للوصول إلى الطعام الجيد، - صحيفة الاقتصادية by Hassan Achahbar
          • ومن جهة أخرى، يُنظَر إلى المناطق الريفية باعتبارها نوعًا مختلفًا من الصحراء الغذائية، حيث يستهلك الناس محصول مَزارعهم وحدائقهم بشكل أساسي، كما تتاح لهم فرص أقل للحصول على الأغذية فائقة المعالَجة التصنيعية، والأغذية المُعلَّبة. - Nature - Arabic Edition by Hassan Achahbar
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