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    • English
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • test kit
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          • Definition(s)
            • A test kit is a commercially packaged system of the principal or key components of an analytical method used to determine the presence of a specific analyte(s) in a given matrix. Test kits include directions for their use and are often self contained, complete analytical systems; but they may require supporting supplies and equipment. The key components frequently represent proprietary elements or reagents that may be readily prepared only by the producer of the kit. AOAC International
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The new Covid-19 test work by pricking your finger, and then detecting antibodies to see if you have been infected with the Sars-CoV2 virus which causes Covid-19. Once you have pricked your finger and placed a drop of blood on the test it then detects if you have antibodies in your blood that show your immune system has responded to the coronavirus. This means it will not be able to tell if you currently have the virus, but will work for people who have had symptoms and recovered meaning they will know they are no longer infection and will be able to return to work. - LBC Digital Radio by
            • Lim Boon Chuan, 26, is is part of a team of scientists at the University of Oxford’s Engineering Science Department and the Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research (OSCAR) that is working on a rapid testing kit for Covid-19. The current RT-PCR testing technology, which is the method used to find the viral RNA, is time consuming and highly specialized. Lim and his team have developed a rapid test kit that reduces the time to half an hour to test a sample. A regular RT-PCR test takes about two hours. - The Star by
            • An FDA-approved coronavirus home test kit? That’s false, L.A. authorities say - LA Times by
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    • Romanian
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • Kit de testare
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          • Definition(s)
            • Un kit de testare este un sistem ce conține componentele principale ale unei metode analitice utilizate pentru a determina prezența unui analit specific într-o matrice dată. Kiturile de testare includ instrucțiuni pentru utilizarea lor și sunt adesea sisteme analitice complete, de sine stătătoare. Own research - by Claudia Coja
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Kit de testare pentru coronavirus la domiciliu, aprobat în SUA Autoritatea de reglementare în domeniul medicamentelor (FDA) din Statele Unite a autorizat în regim de urgență un kit de testare la domiciliu pentru coronavirus, care permite locuitorilor să își recolteze acasă probele pentru a afla dacă sunt infectați cu SARS-CoV-2. - 360 Medical by Claudia Coja
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    • Persian (Farsi)
      • Medical (general)
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            • کیت آزمایش
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          • Definition(s)
            • تایید اولین کیت آزمایش خانگی تشخیص کرونا استفاده از این کیت آزمایش موجب می‌شود افراد دارای علایم بیماری کووید در منزل خود بمانند و خطر آلوده شدن کارکنان بخش سلامت به ویروس کاهش ‌یابد. تاکنون ۸.۱ میلیون نفر در آمریکا به روش‌های دیگر تحت آزمایش قرار گرفته‌اند، ولی متخصصان بهداشتی بر این باورند این تعداد باید تا پایان ماه می (ماه جاری) به دو برابر افزایش یابد. irna - by Marzieh Izadi
          • Example sentence(s)
            • صدور مجوز برای کیت آزمایش 5 دقیقه‌ای کرونا - trt by Marzieh Izadi
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