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    • English
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          • bending the curve
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          • (n.) The phrases “bending the curve” and “flattening the curve” are both being used to describe how prevention and cointanment measures are meant to help stop the spread of the pandemic. Bending the curve refers to taking drastic measures so that the number of cases, represented by an exponential curve (the graph of an equation of the form y = ba^x, where a and b are positive constant), changes direction —moving downwards. Fox Baltimore
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Bending the Pandemic Curve: Improving Decision-Making With Clinical Research - LWW Journals by
          • “If a Wuhan-like outbreak were to take place in a U.S. city, even with strong social distancing and contact tracing protocols as strict as the Wuhan lockdown, hospitalization and ICU needs from COVID-19 patients alone may exceed current capacity,” they wrote. “We don’t want to go that route,” Rivers told STAT. “So it’s the top priority right now that we bend the curve.” - STAT by
          • As I told Dan, the problem is that if 2-3% of the infected individuals need ICU care but no health system on earth is designed to deal with that kind of demand. Hence, if you want the same fatality rate as Taiwan or Germany, it’s all about preventing your ICUs from being swamped. That’s all about bending the curve. - Regenexx by
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    • Russian
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          • перелом кривой
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          • Выражения «перелом кривой» и «сглаживание кривой» используются для описания мер профилактики и сдерживания, направленных на борьбу с пандемией. Под «переломом кривой» понимают принятие радикальных мер, в результате которых экспоненциальная кривая, отражающая рост числа случаев заболевания, меняет свое направление (экспонента — функция, задаваемая соотношением y = ba^x, где a и b — положительные константы). Fox Baltimore (translation) - by Anna Chalisova
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Несколько дней назад нам казалось, что наступил перелом, кривая смертей пошла вниз. - MK newspaper by Anna Chalisova
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    • Portuguese
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          • achatar a curva
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          • Nas últimas semanas, uma expressão ganhou muita força entre os preocupados com a contenção do coronavírus: "achatar a curva". O termo tem a ver com reduzir ao máximo o ritmo de transmissão do vírus, fazendo com que o número de casos ativos que necessitem de hospitalizações não supere o número de leitos hospitalares disponíveis, garantindo que todos que precisem tenham o atendimento adequado, minimizando o número de mortes. Olhar Digital - by Felipe Tomasi
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Na maioria dos países atingidos, o combate à Covid-19 esbarrou rapidamente na limitação da capacidade de testes e de rastreamento das infecções. O contágio veloz pelo novo coronavírus levou as autoridades tentar a segunda linha de defesa clássica contra as epidemias, na tentativa de “achatar a curva” de contágio e evitar o colapso do sistema de saúde – a mitigação. - G1 by Felipe Tomasi
          • Não é histeria nem exagero. Para "achatar a curva" de contágio e evitar o colapso dos hospitais, será essencial evitar aglomerações e adotar as medidas básicas de prevenção - G1 by Felipe Tomasi
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