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    • English
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          • border closure
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          • (n.) A movement restriction measure, preventing movement of people between different jurisdictions with limited or no exceptions. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, a border closure may refer to a regional or national measure taken in order to contain the spread of the virus —either to keep the virus from spreading outwards, or into a previously uncontaminated zone. Wikipedia
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          • After that, Russia, which shares a border with various countries in the EU, also announced its own border closure. We have already had a number of border closures within the EU and the wider region — in keeping with the global response to movement, and specifically in response to outbreaks that started earlier (for example, Italy has had travel restrictions in place for weeks at this point). - TechCrunch by
          • Both governments seem wary of disrupting commerce; some $1.4bn-worth of goods crosses the border daily. The annual flow is the equivalent of nearly half of Mexico’s gdp. Besides, border closures do little good once an epidemic has taken hold on both sides. - The Economist by
          • Local law enforcement officials say rumors about border closure are unfounded, waste of time - Malheur Enterprise by
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    • Czech
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          • uzavření hranic
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          • Opatření (znovu) zavádějící kontroly na hranicích územních celků, kdy je pohyb osob přes tyto hranice až na stanovené výjimky zakázán - v případě koronavirové pandemie má toto opatření zpomalit či omezit šíření nemoci. Own research - by Anna Kudrnová
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          • Na uzavření vnějších hranic Evropské unie na 30 dní se shodli premiéři a prezidenti členských zemí EU. - ČT 24 by Anna Kudrnová
          • Už dva roky jezdím po republice a mluvím s lidmi o EU. Nepřekvapuje mě proto, kolika lidem by nevadilo uzavření hranic až na dva roky. - Hospodářské noviny by Anna Kudrnová
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    • Greek
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          • Κλείσιμο των συνόρων
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          • Το κλείσιμο των συνόρων κρίθηκε αναγκαίο για την προστασία του πληθυσμού efsyn - by tania mourtzila
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          • Το κλείσιμο των εξωτερικών συνορων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης - To Vima by tania mourtzila
          • Κλείσιμο των συνόρων με την Αλβανία και τα Σκόπια - Onned by tania mourtzila
          • Το κλείσιμο των συνόρων για τους πολίτες τρίτων χωρών - Kathimerini by tania mourtzila
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    • Arabic
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          • إغلاق الحدود
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          • الحدود المغلقة هي الحدود التي تمنع الحركة الناس بين مختلف الولايات القضائية مع استثناءات محدودة او بدون التي ترتبط بها حركة الناس. عادة تغلق هذه الحدود بأسوار او حواجز تغلق فيها أي بوابة ومعبر حدودي وفي حالة تفتح الحدود تمنح حرية الحركة للناس بظروف استثنائية. ولعل المثال الأكثر شهرة لهذا النوع من الحدود هو المنطقة المنزوعة السلاح بين كوريا الشمالية وكوريا الجنوبية. يمكننا أن نطلق على جدار برلين في ألمانيا أيضًا نوع من انواع الحدود المغلقة. wikipedia - by mona elshazly
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          • The displaced had earlier been crossing into Kenya for medical assistance but that is now prohibited by the border closure. وكان المشردون يعبرون إلى كينيا التماسا للمساعدة الطبية، وهو الأمر الممنوع حاليا بسبب إغلاق الحدود. - Reverso by mona elshazly
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    • Malay
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          • penutupan sempadan
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          • Sekatan perjalanan berkaitan pandemik COVID-19. Akibat daripada wabak koronavirus Wuhan 2019-20, banyak negara dan wilayah telah mengenakan kuarantin dan/atau larangan kemasukan daripada warganegara atau pengunjung kawasan paling teruk dijangkiti wabak. Sekatan lain * Hong Kong: mengetatkan penutupan sempadan dengan tanah besar China Wikipedia - by AAAS
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          • MOSKOW, 30 Jan - Perdana Menteri Rusia, Mikhail Mishustin telah meluluskan arahan penutupan sempadannya dengan negara China pada hari ini bagi membendung penularan wabak 2019 novel koronavirus. - Air Times by AAAS
          • Menurut perdana menteri Australia, penutupan sempadan ini mungkin akan mengambil masa 6 bulan dan mungkin atau lebih, dan Australia akan pastikan keadaan selamat sebelum arahan tersebut ditarik balik. - the vocket by AAAS
          • Shaliz Azwa Yahaya, 35, berkata, beliau dan suami mungkin terpaksa membatalkan hasrat untuk pulang berhari raya tahun ini di Malaysia kerana penutupan sempadan bagi mengekang penularan COVID-19. - Astro Awani by AAAS
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