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    • English
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        • Term
          • exit screening
        • Additional fields of expertise
        • Definition(s)
          • The public health measures implemented at points of entry (ports, airports, ground crossings) on travelers (crew and passengers) departing from a country, with the purpose to assess the exposure to a biological agent (bacterium, virus, parasite) and/or the presence of symptoms. NCBI
        • Example sentence(s)
          • A key benefit of an effective and rigorously conduced airport exit screening is protection of the international community by source containment to prevent international spread. - Hindawi by
          • Exit screening at airports, ports and land crossings: Interim guidance for Ebola virus disease. - WHO by
          • The primary mitigation strategy to reduce this risk, as recommended by the WHO following its declaration of a Public Health Event of International Concern (PHEIC) on 8 August 2014, is for affected countries to conduct exit screening of all persons at international airports, seaports and major land crossings for unexplained febrile illness consistent with potential Ebola infection. - ECDC by
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    • Slovak
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        • Term
          • výstupný skríning
        • Additional fields of expertise
        • Definition(s)
          • screening [skriːnɪŋ]n skríning mass screening hromadný skríning, depistáž screening test skríningový test, profylaktické vyšetrenie exit [ˈegzɪt or ˈeksɪt]n 1. (tech.)východ, výjazd 2. (výp.)miesto ukončenia, ukončenie (programu) phr exit pupil (opt.) výstupná pupila - by Katarina Mihalova
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Na zasadnutí krízového výboru WHO prijal generálny riaditeľ WHO tieto odporúčania: - Čínskej ľudovej republike: vykonávať výstupný skríning na medzinárodných letiskách a prístavoch, s cieľom včasne odhaliť cestujúcich s príznakmi ochorenia pre ďalšie lekárske vyšetrenie a liečbu s prihliadnutím neobmedzovať medzinárodnú dopravu, - by Katarina Mihalova
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