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    • English
      • Journalism
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          • Term
            • clickbait
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          • Definition(s)
            • Online content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. Oxford Dictionary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • All Blacks coach Steve Hansen dismissed England counterpart Eddie Jones' spying claims as a "clickbait distraction" ahead of Saturday's Rugby World Cup semi-final. - France24 by
            • This week, in a long-expected coupling of clickbait giants, the two largest chumbox providers decided to merge. Taboola and Outbrain, both based in New York, have agreed to unite under the Taboola name, with Outbrain investors receiving shares equating to 30 percent of the combined company, plus $250 million in cash. Together, the companies said they bring in more than $2 billion annually in gross revenue. - The New York Times by
            • I have to look at the “15 Countries Americans Are Not Welcome In,” even though I have never been out of this country. You never know. It’s called clickbait, and it is all about getting you on a site so it can throw advertising at you. “Top 7 Stocks To Buy” should make me a millionaire — if I looked at it. - Belleville News-Democrat by
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    • Slovak
      • Journalism
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          • Term
            • clickbait
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          • Definition(s)
            • Clickbait je pejoratívny termín pre obsah webovej stránky, ktoré je vytvorené na účely online reklamy, predovšetkým na úkor kvality alebo presnosti, využívajúca senzačné titulky alebo príťažlivé obrázky, ktorých cieľom je primäť návštevníka ku klikaniu a zdieľaniu materiálov na sociálnych sieťach. Vikipédia - by Michal Zugec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Postupy zavedené na potláčanie viditeľnosti lokalít alebo účtov, ktoré distribuujú dezinformácie alebo nepravé informácie (napr. tzv. clickbait, teda návnady na kliknutie) - Eurlex by Michal Zugec
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    • Chinese
      • Journalism
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          • Term
            • 标题党
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          • Definition(s)
            • 标题党(英語:clickbait,又稱釣魚式標題),指网络中故意用较为夸张、耸动的文章标题以吸引网友点击观看文章或帖子的人,特别是與用實際上与内容完全无关或联系不大的文字當標題者[1]。标题党的前身可追朔自十九世纪美国新闻业中存在的黄色新闻现象 Wikipedia - by Vladyslav Golovaty
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 在网络中,一些网友在发帖时为了能在海量的资讯中较快的吸引网友的注意,使用一些较为有新意,同时也比较夸张的文章标题,但其文章的实际内容与文章标题关系不大,甚至是毫无关联,只是字面意思所产生的误差所致。例如,某文章以“闹市中惊现悬挂于车外的裸尸”作为标题,其内容只是一张白条鸡悬挂在轿车尾的图片。[3]或純以某些具吸引力的網絡資源名稱作為標題,看似內文有提供該資源,但其實只是發帖者詢問怎樣/何時能取得該資源。 - wiki by Vladyslav Golovaty
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