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- Products or ingredients that are less likely to cause allergic reactions (in people prone to allergies) than other products. beautyblitz
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- The top allergens in beauty products are fragrances, botanicals, dyes and (in cleansers) detergents, so these are often excluded from products labeled "hypoallergenic." - bnet
- Using coconut and palm oil, this hypoallergenic soap is made
using a traditional cold-press method and allowed to cure for one month. - Trade Boss
- Hypoallergenic cosmetics are makeup products that the manufacturers and/or their marketing teams claim produce fewer allergic reactions than other cosmetic products. - the beauty bunny
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- O termo hipoalergénico é utilizado para fazer referência a cosméticos ou produtos dermatológicos especialmente concebidos para peles sensíveis, evitando o surgimento de alergias. Own research - by Ana Catarina Lopes
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- Allergieën bij baby's worden vaak veroorzaakt door eiwitten. In
hypoallergene voeding zijn die eiwitten dusdanig behandeld, dat het
immuunsysteem van de baby ze niet meer als vreemd herkent en er dus ook geen
allergische reactie volgt. - by MJMTuijl
- De term hypoallergeen op het etiket suggereert dat er weinig tot geen kans
is op allergische reacties. De fabrikant selecteert de ingrediënten zodanig,
dat de kans op deze reacties minimaal wordt. Maar ook op hypoallergene
producten vallen allergische reacties niet volledig uit te sluiten. - by MJMTuijl
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Compare [close] - Bulgarian
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- Не е толкова трудно алергията да се различи от обичайните признаци на чувствителност на кожата. В първия случай кожата реагира на козметичното средство моментално, а при втория - след 3-4 часа. За да се избавите от неприятните червени петна, възползвайте се от успокояващата маска, а след това всеки ден използвайте хипоалергенен крем.
- by vstoycheva
- Серията на NUXE "Грижа за кожата" се обогати с още един продукт - хипоалергенен рол-он! 24-часова защита, деликатност и удоволствие, съчетани в един продукт.
- by vstoycheva
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Compare [close] - Croatian
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- Proizvodi kod kojih postoji minimalni rizik od izazivanja alergijskih reakcija jer ne sarže alergene sastojke. To su primjerice većina lijekova, dječja hrana, kozmetika i sl. Own research - by Dinap
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- "Hipoalergeni
Ovaj izraz koristi se za proizvode koji sadrže manje sastojaka koji mogu izazvati alergije nego drugi proizvodi."
- privatni blog by Dinap
- "[ HA je adaptirano mlijeko na bazi kravljeg, ali sa smanjenim rizikom za alergiju (hipoalergeno) sto bi znacilo da su, vjerojatno (ovo je nagadjanje) kemijskim putem odstranili neke vrste enzima koji najcesce izazivaju preosjetljivost i reakciju na kravlje mlijeko." - javni forum Mame i bebe by Dinap
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