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    • Catalan
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            • aigua dura
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            • S'anomena aigua dura l'aigua que té un elevat contingut de minerals (en contrast amb l'aigua tova). L'aigua dura sol consistir d'ions de calci (Ca2+) i magnesi (Mg2+), així com altres compostos possiblement dissolts com ara els bicarbonats i sulfats viquipèdia - by Judith Payro
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Les aigües dures no són perjudicials per a la salut ja que els minerals que contenen, calci i magnesi, són necessaris per al cos humà. - Aigües de Barcelona by Judith Payro
            • L'aigua que no va bé per ensabonar rep el nom d'aigua dura i la que ensabona bé, aigua blana. - EduAlter by Judith Payro
            • L'aigua dura forma incrustacions que afavoreixen la corrosió de les canonades. També és la culpable de problemes d'obstruccions en valvulería i grifería, a més de malgastar els rendiments energètics dels escalfadors. - blautec by Judith Payro
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    • Thai
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            • น้ำกระด้าง
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            • น้ำกระด้าง หมายถึง น้ำที่ประกอบด้วยเกลือแร่ (เช่น ประจุแมกนีเซียม ประจุแคลเซียม) ซึ่งทำให้สบู่เป็นฟองน้อย The Free Dictionary - by auragun
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ตัวอย่างน้ำกระด้าง เช่น น้ำคลอง น้ำบ่อ น้ำประปา น้ำบาดาล น้ำทะเล - Institute for the Promotion of Teaching by auragun
            • น้ำกระด้างจะมีแมกนีเซียมอยู่ประมาณ 35% ของธาตุประจุบวก - Department of Industrial Works by auragun
            • ปลาบางชนิดชอบอยู่น้ำอ่อน ปลาบางชนิดชอบอยู่น้ำกระด้าง ปลาบางชนิดอยู่ได้ทั้งสองน้ำ - Thailand Fish and Nature Explorer by auragun
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    • English
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            • hard water
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            • Hard water is water contaminated with compounds of calcium and magnesium. Dissolved iron, manganese, and strontium compounds can also contribute to the "total hardness" of the water, which is usually expressed as ppm CaCO3. Water with a hardness over 80 ppm CaCO3 is often treated with water softeners, since hard water produces scale in hot water pipes and boilers and lowers the effectiveness of detergents.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Some laundry detergents do not produce as many suds in hard water, these are likely to be soap-based products and do not work as well in hard-water as detergent based products. -
            • Hard water also contributes to inefficient and costly operation of water-using appliances. Heated hard water forms a scale of calcium and magnesium minerals that can contribute to the inefficient operation or failure of water-using appliances. - Wilkes University
            • Clothes washed in hard water often look dingy and feel harsh and scratchy. - sciLinks
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    • Chinese
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            • 硬水
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            • 硬水是含有較多可溶性鈣、鎂等化合物的水。所有自然的淡水中都多多少少含有鈣、鎂等礦物質的, 比方說如果水流過石灰, 硬度就會增加;而如果流過泥煤, 硬度就會下降。 维基百科 - by Han Li
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            • 所谓"硬水"是指水中所溶的矿物质成分多,尤其是钙和镁。硬水并不对健康造成直接危害,但是会给生活带来好多麻烦,比如用水器具上结水垢、肥皂和清洁剂的洗涤效率减低等。 - 东利网 by Han Li
            • 钙镁离子含量较多的水称为硬水,钙镁离子含量较少的水称为软水。硬水与软水只是通俗上的叫法,并没有标准的量的概念,在生活中,行内一般把硬度低于3mmol/L的水称为较软的水,3-6称为普通水,6-8称为较硬的水,10以上称为高硬水。 - Supesite by Han Li
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    • Croatian
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            • Tvrda voda
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            • Tvrda voda je uzrokovana prisustvom otopljenih soli kalcija i magnezija (nekada i željeza). Prolazna (privremena) tvrdoća potiče od kalcija i hidrogenkarbonata i uklanja se kuhanjem.Stalna tvrdoća se odnosi na sulfate i kloride kalcija i magnezija. Wikipedia - by vladowsky
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            • Vode s mineralnih i termalnih izvora obiluju kalcijem i magnezijem i uvijek imaju visoki stupanj tvrdoće. Kada govorimo o konzumnoj vodi, problem se ne zove TVRDA VODA nego KAMENAC koji se javlja kao posljedica transporta kroz vodovodne instalacije i promjene pritiska i temperature tijekom njezina iskorištavanja. Omekšana voda potrebna je u mnogim proizvodnim procesima ali nije pogodna za ljudsko zdravlje. - Agromarketing by vladowsky
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    • Spanish
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            • agua dura
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            • En química, el agua dura (por contraposición al agua blanda) es aquella que posee una dureza superior a 120 mg CaCO3/l. Es decir que contiene un alto nivel de minerales, en particular sales de magnesio y calcio. Son éstas las causantes de la dureza del agua, y el grado de dureza es directamente proporcional a la concentración de sales metálicas. Wikipedia - by Laura Mangini
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            • El agua dura puede volver a ser blanda, con el agregado de carbonato de sodio o potasio, para precipitarlo como sales de carbonatos, o por medio de intercambio iónico con salmuera en presencia de zeolita o resinas sintéticas - Wikipedia by Laura Mangini
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    • Danish
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            • hårdt vand
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            • Vand der indeholder Ca++, Mg++, Fe++ eventuelt HCO3--ioner. Er totalhårdheden i °dH mellem 10-20, betegnes vandet hårdt vand. Over 20 er meget hårdt vand. Hårdhedsgrader mellem 2-5 er blødt vand og mellem 5-10 mellemhårdt vand. Danmarks miljøundersøgelser; Miljøord - by medtranslation
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            • I Østdanmark er der kalk i jorden, og det sure vand opløser kalken. Herved mister vandet sin sure egenskab; det bliver neutralt, men det har til gengæld fået et indhold af kalk. Som drikkevand kaldes dette vand for hårdt vand. Hårdt vand giver anledning til kedelsten ved kogning, og et øget forbrug af vaskemiddel ved tøjvask. - GEUS by medtranslation
            • Hvis tilstedeværelse af hårdt vand fremmer dannelse af hårde stop i vandlåsene ved forbindelser med calcium og magnesium i skyllevandet, burde der forventes større problemer i områder med hårdt vand. Især i Østdanmark er der store områder med hårdt vand. - Miljøstyrelsen by medtranslation
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