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    • English
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            • truing
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            • A process to correct the concentricity and shape of a grinding wheel. As distinguished from dressing, which removes bond material to expose fresh abrasive grains, truing is designed to reduce vibration and produce a uniform cutting rate for the grinding wheel. Abrasive Engineering Society
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Truing and grinding forces and the wear mechanism of particle and rod diamond blade tools used to generate precise and intricate forms on rotating vitreous bond silicon carbide grinding wheels are presented. - Science direct
            • Once a major stumbling block to the efficient use of superabrasive production wheels, truing and dressing have come of age with the introduction of new tools, techniques and methods, including modular devices that automate the processes. - bnet
            • Manufacturers have found rotary dressing and truing to be superior to single point, cluster and stick dressing for processes that require high part production and/or close part tolerances. - G II Solutions, Inc
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    • Chinese
      • Mechanics / Mech Engineering
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            • 修整/整形修正
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            • No definition available online 网上尚未现成定义 此术语主要用于研磨用砂轮,指对砂轮表面进行粒度修正,去掉其表面覆盖物及粘结物,让砂粒充分初露,以调适和统一研磨时砂轮各部分在工件上的切削(速)率 Own research - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 论文:用修整工具将砂轮修整成形或修去磨钝的表层,以恢复工作面的磨削性能和正确的几何形状的操作过程。及时而正确地修整砂轮,是提高磨削效率和保证磨削质量不可缺少 ... - 佳工网 by Adsion Liu
            • 金钢石砂轮用什么修整?---[请教] - 刀具- 中国机械社区- Powered by ... - 中国机械社区 by Adsion Liu
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    • German
      • Mechanics / Mech Engineering
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            • abrichten, abziehen
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            • Herstellen einer geometrisch definierten Form ("truing") und einer griffigen Oberfläche ("dressing") durch Abdrehen mittels Diamant-Abricht- oder sonstiger geeigneter Werkzeuge. [Das Verfahren "Abrichten" erzielt beide Auswirkungen. In der modernen Praxis werden die Begriffe "Abrichten" (dt.) und "dressing" (engl.) verwendet, "truing" ist seltener anzutreffen. CIRP, Wörterbuch der Ferigungstechnik, Band 3, Girardet-Verlag, Essen, 1963 enthält noch eine Definition von "truing" Own research - by intertec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • US Patent References:2528621 Grinding wheel truing apparatus November, 1950 Sweetser 125/11CD 2664681 Method of dressing diamond wheels January, 1954 Clark et al. 125/11CD 3584616 TRUING MECHANISM FOR GRINDING WHEELS June, 1971 Flohr 125/11 4073281 Truing and dressing apparatus for grinding wheels February, 1978 Asaeda et al. 125/11CD 4151684 Grinding machine with a re-truing device May, 1979 Wada et al. 125/11R Other References:"Handbuch der Fertigungstechnik" from G. Spur and Th. Stoferle, Carl Hanser Verlag, vol. 3/2, 1980, p. 144. Magazine IDR 1/87 "Abrichten mit Diamant-Abrichtrollen", from Dr.-Ing. F. Klocke and G. Blanke, pp. 14 to 19. - United States Patent 4920945 by intertec
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