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    • English
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • pseudocode
          • Definition(s)
            • A notation resembling a programming language but not intended for actual compilation. It usually combines some of the structure of a programming language with an informal natural-language description of the computations to be carried out. It is often produced by CASE systems as a basis for later hand coding. STING software engineering glossary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Chances are, if you were to go into a conference room at a software company, it would contain a white-board filled with pseudocode and flowcharts. Pseudocode and flowcharts are programmer's ways of expressing algorithms, control structures, and other programming concepts quickly and simply. - InfoWebLinks
            • Generally, you should try to break each main task down into very small tasks that can each be explained with a short phrase. There may eventually be a one-to-one correlation between the lines of pseudocode and the lines of the code that you write after you have finished pseudocoding. -
            • PPP is a way of developing routines by writing pseudocode for them in the first place (not a new topic) and after that, making the pseudocode a comment in the routine (functions, procedure, method or whatever your language calls them). - CodeRookie
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    • Chinese
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • 伪代码/伪码
          • Definition(s)
            • 伪代码(Pseudocode)是一种算法描述语言。它不是一种现实存在的编程语言。使用为代码的目的是为了使被描述的算法可以容易地以任何一种编程语言(Pascal, C, Java, etc)实现。它可能综合使用多种编程语言中语法、保留字,甚至会用到自然语言。 因此,伪代码必须结构清晰,代码简单,可读性好,并且类似自然语言。计算机科学在教学中通常使用伪代码,以使得所有的程序员都能理解。 雅虎知识堂 - by Frank Wang
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 伪代码(pseudocode),又称为虚拟代码,是高层次描述算法的一种方法。它不是一种现实存在的编程语言 - Google by Frank Wang
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    • Hebrew
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • פסאודו-קוד
          • Definition(s)
            • פסאודו-קוד הוא צירוף של מבנים לשוניים מתוך שפת תכנות עם מבנים לשוניים משפה טבעית. לא בהכרח ניתן לעבד אותו במחשב, ומטרתו להבהיר את המבנה של תוכנית. Own research - by Yossi Rozenman
          • Example sentence(s)
            • כתיבת אלגוריתם בעזרת פסאודו-קוד לא מאפשרת הרצה על המחשב מפני שזו איננה שפת תכנות המוכרת למחשב אלא, דמויי שפת תיכנות. - אתר תיכון השרון by Yossi Rozenman
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    • Danish
      • Computers: Software
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          • Term
            • pseudokode
          • Definition(s)
            • Un notation, der ligner et programmeringssprog men, der ikke er tilsigtet en egentlig kompilering. Den kombinerer normalt noget af strukturen af et programmeringssprog med en uformel beskrivelse i natursprog af de beregninger, der skal udføres. Den produceres tit af CASE (Computer-Assisted Software Engineering) systemer som en basis for den senere hånd kodning. (Oversat fra den engelsksproget definition på Webster's). Webster's online dictionary - by Michael Davies
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