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    • Romanian
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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            • presiune asupra pășunilor
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            • presiune asupra păşunii -– numărul de animale, raportat la o unitate de suprafaţă de păşune Regulament pășunat - by Renata Ana Ursu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • O presiune asupra păşunilor din zona alpină o constituie animalele domestice duse la păscut, dar impactul cel mai mare îl are şederea acestor animale adunate în turme într-un singur loc o perioada mai mare de timp. Urmare a acestei situa ii, pe toate păşunile în jurul adăposturilor pe fostele locuri de înoptare urmare a supraîngrăşării locului se produce deteriorarea covorului vegetal, apari ia de goluri în care se instalează specii invadatoare ca Rumex, Urtica, Veratrum, Polygonum ş.a. şi declanşarea fenomenului de eroziune. - Raport Retezat by Renata Ana Ursu
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    • Greek
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            • πίεση βόσκησης
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            • Πίεση βόσκησης είναι η συσχέτιση του ρυθμού κατανάλωσης της βλάστησης από τα φυτοφάγα ζώα με το ρυθμό φυσικής αναγέννησης της βλάστησης. Own research - by Ioannis_Maragos
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Αν δεν υπάρχουν αυτές οι δύο προϋποθέσεις, τότε η υπερβόσκηση μπορεί να μην προκαλέσει ερημοποίηση, επειδή τα περισσότερα λιβαδικά φυτά είναι προσαρμοσμένα στην έντονη πίεση βόσκησης και μπορούν να επανακάμψουν, αν αυτή η πίεση ελαττωθεί ή ανασταλεί σύντομα. - Lucinda by Ioannis_Maragos
            • Θα πρέπει όμως να ισχύει το ίδιο στις μεσογειακές χώρες, όπου το ξηροθερμικό περιβάλλον, οι πυρκαγιές και η πίεση της βόσκησης έχουν προκαλέσει σε πολλά δάση έντονη υποβάθμιση έως κατάρρευση. - PARNASSOS.CO.NR by Ioannis_Maragos
            • Οι νότιες πλαγιές των Λευκών Ορέων υπόκεινται σε εκτεταμένη βοσκή κατσικιών όλο το χρόνο. Η πίεση βόσκησης ποικίλει ανάλογα με την εποχή, με τον τύπο βλάστησης, αλλά και με την τοποθεσία. - University of Athens by Ioannis_Maragos
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    • English
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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            • grazing pressure
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            • The relationship between the number of animal units or forage intake units and the weight of forage dry matter per unit area at any point in time; an animal-to forage relationship. May be expressed as animal units or forage intake units to forage mass (animal units/forage mass at a specific time). IFAD - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • An optimum grazing pressure is one in which available forage matches animal needs; this is analogous to the quantity of forage offered daily to animals in confinement when rations are balanced. - The Pennsylvania State University by Enrique Cavalitto
            • The different grazing pressures were obtained through different stocking rates, adjusted every 21 d according to forage mass, predicted forage production rate, and an estimated forage allowance of 10, 15 and 20 kg dry matter (DM) heifer-1 d-1 for high, medium, and low pressures, respectively. - American Society of Agronomy by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Stocking rate and annual average grazing pressure (with or without account for feral animals) did not appear to be, in themselves, good indicators of sustainability. Rather, the sustainability of different areas/systems and the impacts on sustainability of changes in management, e.g. stocking rates, may be assessed better through calculating year-to-year variability of the feed base, and periods of critical grazing pressure. - by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Portuguese
      • Livestock / Animal Husbandry
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            • pressão de pastejo
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            • Forma de se expressar a intensidade com que uma pastagem é utilizada, geralmente expressa pela relação entre a quantidade de forragem disponível por quantidade de peso vivo animal. EMBRAPA - by Marcelo Lino
          • Example sentence(s)
            • O fator de manejo que mais afeta a persistência das pastagens é a pressão de pastejo, expressa na prática pela lotação animal. Visando lucros imediatos, muitos produtores utilizavam - sem o devido descanso e por longo tempo - lotações animais muito acima da capacidade de suporte das pastagens, chegando, em alguns casos, a 2-3 UA/ha1, sem a devida reposição de nutrientes ao solo, comprometendo a sua vida útil. - EMBRAPA by Marcelo Lino
            • A utilização das pastagens naturais é ditada por um conceito bastante conhecido, a sua lotação, como expressão de carga. São usadas, normalmente, taxas um tanto empíricas. Um conceito mais apropriado seria a pressão de pastejo (PP), que MOTT (1960) definiu como o número de animais por unidade de forragem disponível, expressa habitualmente em base percentual e diária do peso vivo dos animais, distintamente de lotação, que é definida como o número de animais por unidade de área. - Ciência Rural by Marcelo Lino
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