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    • Czech
      • Patents
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          • Term
            • patentovatelnost
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          • Definition(s)
            • Podmínky patentovatelnosti Aby vynález realizovaný počítačem byl patentovatelný, musí být průmyslově využitelný, nový a zahrnovat vynálezeckou činnost. Aby vynález realizovaný počítačem zahrnoval vynálezeckou činnost, musí vytvářet technický přínos. Směrnice CIID (o patentovatelnosti vyn� - by Helena Papezova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • § 3 Patentovatelnost vynálezů ... (3) Patentovatelnost předmětů nebo činností uvedených v odstavci 2 je vyloučena za předpokladu, že se přihláška vynálezu nebo patent týkají pouze těchto předmětů nebo činností. - zákon č. 527/1990 Sb. o vynálezech a by Helena Papezova
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    • English
      • Patents
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          • Term
            • patentability
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          • Definition(s)
            • The ability of an invention to satisfy the legal requirements for obtaining a patent, including novelty. In some countries certain types of inventions, e.g. computer software and plants, may be unpatentable. Delphion
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The TRIPS agreement not only sets the basic standard for patentability, but also obliges member states to patent micro-organisms as well as micro-biological processes, which shall be dealt in the following pages. -
            • There is, at present, no clear definition of what constitutes a "business method" or what makes it different from other types of methods. The traditional view in Europe is that patents protect technical inventions, and "business", being non-technical, therefore should be excluded from patentability. However, with the rise of e-commerce, it has become more difficult to define the boundary between "technical" and "non-technical". This in turn has led to an increase in the number of software patents and business method patents in Europe. - ius mentis
            • While the criteria for obtaining a patent may appear subjective, in fact, the criteria for patentability is fairly objective and well defined in patent law. To meet the litmus test of patentability, an idea must satisfy a three-pronged test of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. - Ezine articles
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