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    • Persian (Farsi)
      • Law (general)
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            • شبه جرم
          • Definition(s)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • آیا این موضوع به این مفهوم نیست که هر شبه جرم ارتکابی در هر نقطه از جهان بر اساس قوانین مسئولیت مدنی ایالتی در صلاحیت دادگاه بخشی است که از شبه جرم مزبور صدمه، ضرر و زیا ن دیده است؟ - حقوق بین الملل by Mahmoud Akbari
            • تعرض به حریم خصوصی اشخاص شبه جرم بوده و مرتکب دارای مسئولیت مدنی می باشد، بنابراین متنازع فیه در قلمرو احوال شخصیه قرار نمی گیرد لذا قانون صالح، قانون محلی است که «فعل» واقع شده است یعنی قانون فرانسه. - سایت حقوق ایران by Mahmoud Akbari
            • كداميك از موارد زير در ارتباط با شبه جرم صحيح است؟ - حقوق by Mahmoud Akbari
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    • Hindi
      • Law (general)
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            • अपकृत्य
          • Definition(s)
            • किसी संविदा के उल्लंघन से भिन्न, कोई ऐसा दोषपूर्ण कार्य, जिसके लिए कानून में क्षतिपूर्ति के लिए मुआवजे की अनुमति होती हो। A wrongful act, other than a breach of contract, such that the law permits compensation of damages. Own research - by C.M. Rawal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • जिसके पालन न किये जाने की गणना आपराधिक अपकृत्य में की जाती है। - mahashakti.bharatuday by C.M. Rawal
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    • Italian
      • Law (general)
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            • atto illecito
          • Definition(s)
            • L'illecito è un fatto giuridico in quanto una norma giuridica ricollega ad esso, quale conseguenza, il sorgere di una situazione giuridica soggettiva, la responsabilità, ossia il dovere di sottostare alla sanzione prevista; si può, quindi, parlare di fatto illecito. Negli ordinamenti attuali, di solito, affinché sorga la responsabilità è necessario che il comportamento sia volontario, sicché l'illecito viene a configurarsi più precisamente come atto giuridico (e, in particolare, mero atto); si può, quindi, parlare di atto illecito. Wikipedia - by Marilina Vanuzzi
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "A tort is a private or civil wrong or injury, other than breach of contract, for which the court will provide a remedy in the form of an action for damages. It may be either: 1) a direct invasion of some legal right of the individual; 2) the infraction of some public duty by which special damage accrues to the individual; 3) the violation of some private obligation by which like damages accrues to the individual." West's Law and Commercial Dictionary, Zanichelli/West, Milano, 1993. In Italiano può essere tradotta come: atto illecito. - Altro diritto by Marilina Vanuzzi
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    • Arabic
      • Law (general)
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            • المسؤولية التقصيرية
          • Definition(s)
            • A wrongful act other than a breach of contract for which relief may be obtained in the form of damages or an injunction Webster Dictionary - by nayoma
          • Example sentence(s)
            • the lessee may commence a tort action in the lessee’s own name to recover damages for the harm from the person allegedly responsible for it - lawriter by nayoma
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