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    • Greek
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            • ερημότοπος(οι)
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            • περιοχαί πλήρως καταλαμβανόμεναι υπό ενεργών γραμμικών διαβρώσεων,προκληθεισών εκ πλέγματος μικρών ρευμάτων επί τινος σειράς μη συνεκτικού ιζηματογενούς πετρώματος ή ασυμπαγούς αποθέσεως άμμων,αργίλων και χαλίκων,παρουσιαζόντων σαφείς διαφοράς εις την αντίστασιν των διαδοχικών στρώσεων IATE - by Sofia Poulou
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ... το γεμάτο από καζίνο Las Venturas (Las Vegas) ως και ο ερημότοπος Badlands που θυμίζει Τέξας σίγουρα οι κάτοικοί του πάντως είναι Τεξανοί!). ... - movieworld by Sofia Poulou
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    • Swedish
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            • (Sten)öken, ofruktbart land
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            • A badlands (also badland) is a type of arid terrain where softer sedimentary rocks and clay-rich soils have been extensively eroded by wind and water. It can resemble malpaís, a terrain of volcanic rocks. Canyons, ravines, gullies, hoodoos and other such geological forms are common in badlands. They are often difficult to navigate by foot. Badlands often have a spectacular colour display that alternates from dark black/blue coal stria to bright clays to red scoria. Wikipedia - by Lilian S-K (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • badlands (uncountable) An arid terrain characterized by severe erosion of sedimentary rocks - Wictionary by Lilian S-K (X)
            • Arguably the most well known badlands formation in New Zealand, the Putangirua Pinnacles – formed by the erosion of the conglomerate of an old alluvial fan – are located at the head of a small valley near the southern tip of the North island. A famous European badland is the Bardenas Reales near Tudela, Spain. - Wikipedia by Lilian S-K (X)
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    • French
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            • Badlands
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            • Le mot badlands (« mauvaises terres » en français) désigne un paysage ruiniforme des terrains marneux ou argileux, raviné par les eaux du ruissellement. Ces terres sont en général impropres à l'agriculture. Wikipedia - by Hélène ALEXIS
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            • Terres dénudées, ravinées et érodées par le ruissellement de l'eau, les badlands forment des paysages impressionnants marqués par un réseau complexe de ravins profonds, étroits et sinueux et parfois de CHEMINÉES DE FÉE aux formes fantastiques. - Encyclopédie canadienne by Hélène ALEXIS
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    • Bulgarian
      • Geography
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            • безплодна земя, бедленд
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            • Бедленд е неплодородна, ерозирана силно пресечена местност. Own research - by stefanov_a
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Делувиално-пролувиалните наслаги са типични континентални наслаги. Състоят се от скални и глинести частици. Те имат компактен вид, ронят се вертикално, а образуваните в тях ровини се отличават със стръмните си склонове. При липса на укрепваща растителност в делувиално-пролувиалните шлейфове се развива гъста ровинна мрежа, която може да превърне района в бедленд. - Структура и релеф на с by stefanov_a
            • възможност за формиране на бедленд – при неадекватни мерки опасността от формиране на бедленд върху опожарените територии е реална. Веднъж образувал се ландшафт с характеристиките на бедленд е скъпоструващо и трудно осъществимо начинание за възстановяване на природата. - The Young Geographer by stefanov_a
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Albanian, Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, German, Dutch, English, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian

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