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    • Portuguese
      • Medical: Dentistry
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          • Term
            • gengivas recidivas
          • Definition(s)
            • Quando ocorre uma mudança das estruturas dento-esqueléticas que ultrapassam os limites da adaptação funcional, ocorrendo novamente uma má oclusão, nesta situação ocorreu uma recidiva. Recidiva em ortodontia e cirurgia ortognática significa que houve um retorno parcial ou total da má oclusão, ou até o surgimento de um novo tipo de má oclusão. Portal de Odontologia - by Elaine Cristine Franco
          • Example sentence(s)
            • A recidiva em ortodontia e cirurgia é uma das complicações mais temidas pelos profissionais e pacientes. O profissional sente-se frustrado por ter perdido o objetivo do tratamento (curar o paciente de uma má oclusão) e o paciente por ter perdido os benefícios (estéticos, funcionais e psicológicos) que a oclusão normal lhe proporcionaria. - Portal de Odontologia by Elaine Cristine Franco
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    • English
      • Medical: Dentistry
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            • receded gums
          • Definition(s)
            • A condition characterized by the abnormal loss of gum tissue due to infection or bone loss. Consumers' Research Council of America
          • Example sentence(s)
            • It is important to treat Receded Gums immediately as the gums act as a support structure for the tooth. With enough rececession, teeth will can eventually fall out. - HealtySmileForum
            • If your gums have receded, it is sometimes possible to graft tissue to cover a portion of the exposed root surface and to reinforce the fragile, receding gum tissue to protect from further recession. Also common to receded gums is sensitivity that results from the exposed root surface. - California Dental Association
            • For those with severely receded gums, a graft from another part of the mouth may be the only option for treatment. - WiseGEEK
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    • Dutch
      • Medical: Dentistry
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            • Teruggetrokken tandvlees
          • Definition(s)
            • De tandheelkundige benaming voor teruggetrokken tandvlees is gingiva recessie en kan verschillende redenen hebben, zoals poetstrauma. - by Ghislaine van der Burgt
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Terugtrekkend tandvlees komt vaker voor als je te hard poetst op het tandvlees. Het beste kan je een tandenborstel gebruiken met zachte haren. - Medisch forum by Ghislaine van der Burgt
            • Mijn tandarts constateerde vorige week een leuk overblijfseltje van mijn laatste zwangerschap: terugtrekkend tandvlees en daardoor bijzonder gevoelige tandhalzen. Bij het minste of geringste ga ik door de grond... - Viva by Ghislaine van der Burgt
            • Een tandvleesontsteking is goed te behandelen. Maar eenmaal teruggetrokken tandvlees komt niet meer terug. Wanneer de ontsteking van uw tandvlees verdwijnt, slinkt uw tandvlees ietsje, waardoor de tandhalzen bloot kunnen komen te liggen. - Dental Clinics by Ghislaine van der Burgt
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