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    • English
      • Engineering: Industrial
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            • thermal wheel
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            • Thermal wheel is a heat transfer device with a rotating wheel, which allows the sensible heat transfer between the fresh air intake and exhaust air in an AC system. The air duct connections are arranged so that each of the airstreams flow axially through approximately one half of the wheel in a counter-flow pattern. The porous media that is heated from the warm duct airstream, rotates into the cold duct airstream where sensible heat is released. Energy Efficient Technologies
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The amount of heating energy required to meet room conditions after the energy recovery device is reduced dramatically and, in some cases, can be removed altogether, particularly when a thermal wheel is the energy recovery device. - Building Services&Environmental Engineer by
            • Thermal wheels can recover about 85% of heat from ventilation air, transferring it to incoming fresh air, which then needs minimal additional heating to reach the required temperature for the building. - by
            • Stringent building regulations and tighter standards in building services provision has led to the sudden popularity of thermal wheel technology. A standard air handling unit can be turned into a highly efficient unit using thermal wheels, ultimately saving energy and reducing carbon emissions. - Air Options Limited by
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    • Romanian
      • Engineering: Industrial
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            • dispozitiv rotativ (roata) pentru recuperare de energie
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            • Also known as 'dispozitiv rotativ pentru recuperare de entalpie' which means 'enthalpy recovery equipment', provided that the 'heat wheel' transfers both heat and enthalpy (sensbible heat) at all times. Given that the transfer of enthalpy from one airstrem to the other is being done in order to spare latent energy required for treating the incoming fresh air, the 'heat wheel' is also called 'energy transfer wheel', which in Romanian is 'dispozitiv rotativ pentru recuperare de energie'. Own research - by mihaela.
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            • dispozitiv rotativ (roata) pentru recuperare de energie Definition from own experience or research: Also known as 'dispozitiv rotativ pentru recuperare de entalpie' which means 'enthalpy recovery equipment', provided that the 'heat wheel' transfers both heat and enthalpy (sensbible heat) at all times. Given that the transfer of enthalpy from one airstrem to the other is being done in order to spare latent energy required for treating the incoming fresh air, the 'heat wheel' is also called 'energy transfer wheel', which in Romanian is 'dispozitiv rotativ pentru recuperare de energie'. Example: PARTEA 1 - GENERAL 1.01 Descriere sistem A. Echipament(e) monobloc de ventilatie cu recuperare de energie. B. Echipamentul este capabil sa transfere energia sensibila si pe cea latenta in conformitate cu datele din tabel. C. Echipamentul este proiectat astfel incit sa lucreze fie in regim de sine statator ca unitate de ventilatie cu recuperare de energie, fie ca unitate de recuperare energie, parte componenta a unui sistem complet de incalzire-ventilatie-aer conditionat, fie ca un sistem complet de incalzire-ventilatie-aer coditionat, caz in care se adauga module suplimentare de incalzire/racire ; optional. D. Dispozitivul rotativ pentru recuperare de energie trebuie sa fie montat la momentul fabricarii echipamentului. 1.02 Livrare, depozitare si manevrare Echipamentul va fi depozitat si manevrat in conformitate cu instructiunile producatorului. PART 2 - PRODUS 2.01 Equipment A. General Echipament monobloc de ventilatie cu recuperare de energie constand din roata de transfer entalpie, mecanism de conducere a rotii, ventilator aer proaspat, ventilator aer evacuat, clapetele necesare, senzori de temperatura, automatizari. Toate elementele ce necesita intretinere periodica trebuie sa poata fi accesate imediat. B. Carcasa Echipamentului 1. Carcasa va fi construita din tabla galvanizata; de asemeni, baza va fi galvanizata. 2. Carcasa va fi izolata termic pe toata suprafata cu izolatie rezistenta la foc, de grosime minim 25mm si fata de folie lavabila. 3. Panourile pricipale de acces trebuie sa fie usor de demontat si sa permita accesul la toate partile componente. 4. Roata de transfer a entalpiei trebuie sa poata fi usor scoasa din echipament. From Venmar ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator) sprecificatons. - Manualul de Instaaltii (V) Artecno 2002 by mihaela.
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    • Hungarian
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            • forgódobos hővisszanyerő
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            • A forgódobos hővisszanyerő egy forgó tárcsával rendelkező hőcserélő készülék, melynek segítségével a légkondicionáló berendezésekben létrejöhet a beérkező friss és a távozó használt levegő közötti hőátadás. A légcsövek úgy vannak kialakítva, hogy mindkét ellenkező irányú légáram a forgó dob területének kb. felén haladjon át, annak tengelyével párhuzamosan. A meleg légáram által felmelegített szivacsos közeg elfordulva átadja az érzékelhető hőt a hideg légáramnak. Own research - by rollcow
          • Example sentence(s)
            • A legelterjedtebb regeneratív hővisszanyerő a rotációs vagy forgódobos hővisszanyerő. A forgódobként kialakított, porózus töltetű hőcserélőkben nem csak hőcsere, hanem anyagátadás is megvalósítható. A forgódob hol a távozó, hol pedig a friss levegővel találkozik. Télen az elszívott légáram felmelegíti a forgódob töltetanyagát, amely átfordulva a hideg légáramba előmelegíti a frisslevegő-áramot. - HKL - épületgépészeti szaklap by rollcow
            • A forgódobos hővisszanyerő előnye, hogy hatásfoka akár 80 – 85%-os is lehet, helyigénye kicsi – a forgódobos hővisszanyerő átlagos szélessége 40 – 50 cm –, hátránya viszont a meghajtásához szükséges villamos áram és a mozgó szerkezeti elemek jelenléte. - Magyar épületgépészet by rollcow
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    • Italian
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            • volano termico
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            • Il volano termico è un contenitore rivestito di materiale coibente contenente l’acqua calda o fredda prodotta dall’ impianto di climatizzazione (ad es. geotermico). Consente di aumentare l’inerzia termica del sistema di climatizzazione incrementandone l’efficienza e migliorandone il funzionamento. Genesia s.r.l. - by pcs_MCIL
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            • Si intende per volano termico la massa d'acqua presente nella caldaia, nel senso che, se essa è piccola, sono possibili grandi variazioni di energia (accelerazioni e decelerazioni); accade invece il contrario se essa è grande. L'importanza del volano è tecnicamente questa: se il volano termico è piccolo, bastano piccoli errori nella conduzione della combustione per determinare la rovina della macchina intera. Da ciò segue per esempio che con piccole masse d'acqua sarà utile avere un c.c.i. relativamente grande, in modo che, facendo affidamento sul naturale moto di scambio con il c.c.s. attraverso il tubo di troppo pieno, i tubi bollitori non rimangano mai vuoti. E' da qui che nasce la necessità che le macchine a piccola massa d'acqua, come sono spesso quelle monotubolari, talvolta prive addirittura di c.c.s., siano gestite da personale di alta competenza e professionalità. - prof. GIOVANNI CARUSO by pcs_MCIL
            • Parte di questo calore può venire ceduta all'acqua del volano termico attraverso la superficie alettata quando il volano termico è più freddo del ritorno impianto - Heliant s.r.l. by pcs_MCIL
            • Volano Termico Acqua Refrigerata - Impiego Vengono usati negli impianti per il condizionamento dell’aria, con limitato contenuto d’acqua, per assicurare una temperatura media costante e limitare gli interventi del compressore. - CaGi clima by pcs_MCIL
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    • Chinese
      • Engineering: Industrial
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            • 热轮
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            • 在(特别是民用工程项目中的)空调系统/装置中用来快速实现空气之间的热交换的部件/装置。 Own research - by Adsion Liu
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            • 转轮式热交换器是通过一个以15转/分钟速度不断转动的蜂窝状转轮来进行能量传递。转轮转芯采用特种铝箔作载体,耐腐蚀,表面附有无毒、无味、环保型蓄热、吸湿材料。转芯通过波纹铝纸和平板铝纸机械化卷绕制成,确保了气流层特性。转芯装配在一个左右或上下分隔区的金属箱体内,由驱动电机通过皮带驱动轮芯转动。 - by Adsion Liu
            • 热轮(YTR-Q-N-1500) 热轮(YTR-Q-N-1500) 产品简介 »   亚太集团采用国际先进的第三代转轮生产工艺,研制出无胶水粘贴,耐腐蚀、寿命高的热回收转轮产品,产品经过国家检测部门检测,热回收效率高达88%,达到国际先进水平,在国内及国际上已处于领先水平。目前产品型号规格齐全,可生产直径500-5000(mm)的不同规格转轮。 - by Adsion Liu
            • 中国书网提供“辐射预热轮开风口冲天炉的试验研究”稀缺代寻服务! - 中国书网 by Adsion Liu
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