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    • English
      • Science (general)
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          • Term
            • nasopharyngeal swab
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • A nasopharyngeal swab can look like an extra-long Q-Tip or a plastic wand with a collection surface on the end. It is inserted up the nose, far back where the health-care professional collects a sample by swabbing. This is the method preferred by the World Health Organization in testing for COVID-19. However, there is another method of collection available to health-care professionals: an oropharyngeal swab. Instead of going up a patient's nose, the sample is collected orally at the back of a patient's throat. CBC Canada
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Even as state and local governments continue to buy traditional coronavirus testing kits that rely on nasopharyngeal swabs, major research universities and their private-sector partners are trying to leapfrog ahead to the next generation of tests. - Washington Post by
            • Health officials on the North Olympic Peninsula also have deployed a patient-collected nasal swab that does not require a heath care worker to insert a nasopharyngeal swab into the back of a person’s nasal cavity. - Sequim Gazette by
            • We found it performs as well as, and in a number of cases better, than the nasopharyngeal swab, said lead researcher Anne Wyllie, an associate research scientist at the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Conn. "We have another very viable option." - WebMD by
  • Compare this term in: Arabic, Chinese, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish

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