Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 7 '09 eng>fas tightfisted خسيس pro closed ok
- Feb 28 '09 eng>fas facilitating payment وجه خارج از وظيفه pro closed ok
4 Feb 8 '09 eng>fas pseudocode شبه كد / شبه رمز pro closed ok
4 Dec 30 '08 eng>fas FCA تحویل به حمل کننده pro closed ok
- Dec 30 '08 fas>eng معاون فنی و بهره برداری Technical and Utilization Deputy Manager/Director pro closed ok
- Dec 27 '08 eng>fas diferential counterfactual availability موجوديت (ميزان دسترسي) فرضي متغير pro closed ok
4 Dec 27 '08 eng>fas consistent surpluse مازاد ثابت/پایدار pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '08 fas>eng اشتغال زایی در استان های کشور با تاکید بر گردشگری Provincial employment-rising with emphasis on tourism pro closed no
- Sep 16 '08 eng>fas non-check غیر چکی pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered