8,838 registrants

ProZ.com's 2014 virtual conference for International Translation Day

Sep 30, 2014

Metafrasma Single Member P.C.

Company size: Less than 3 employees
Average blue board rating: 5

Other recruitment opportunities

Posts not matching your language pairs
görög to német professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to olasz professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to spanyol professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to olasz professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to portugál professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

német to angol professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

spanyol to görög professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to angol professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to francia professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

görög to orosz professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

német to görög professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

német to francia professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to görög professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to német professionals
Metafrasma Single Member P.C.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to bolgár interns
Average blue board rating: 4.9

olasz to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

német to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

francia to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

német to francia translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

német to olasz translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

angol to német translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

angol to francia translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

angol to spanyol translators
Average blue board rating: 4.3

angol to spanyol translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to portugál translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

spanyol to portugál translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

kínai to spanyol translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to olasz translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to francia translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

spanyol to angol translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

portugál to spanyol translators
Accentus Language Services
Average blue board rating: 5

német to angol translators

Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to francia translators

Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to japán translators

Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to holland translators

Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to angol translators
GaiaText« The Translation Company GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.6

német to francia translators
GaiaText« The Translation Company GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.6

angol to német translators
GaiaText« The Translation Company GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.6

német to norvég: bokmal translators

Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to bolgár translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to bolgár translators
Average blue board rating: 5

spanyol to bolgár translators
Average blue board rating: 5

francia to bolgár translators
Average blue board rating: 5

német to szerb translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to albán translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to macedón translators
Average blue board rating: 5

német to horvát translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to bosnyák translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to portugál translators
OXO Innovation
Average blue board rating: 5

holland to angol translators
Timely Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to holland translators
Timely Translations
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to spanyol translators
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to spanyol professionals
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

spanyol to angol translators
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

francia to spanyol translators
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

portugál to spanyol translators
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to portugál translators
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to német translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to francia translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to olasz translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to spanyol translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to portugál translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to szlovén translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to svéd translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to norvég translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to finn translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to dán translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to holland translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

német to angol translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

szlovák to angol translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

szlovák to német translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to szlovák translators
exe, a.s.
Average blue board rating: 5

portugál to angol translators
SpanSource S.R.L
Average blue board rating: 4.9

portugál to angol translators
SDL - English Language Office
Average blue board rating: 4.9

kínai to angol translators
SDL - English Language Office
Average blue board rating: 4.9

japán to angol translators
SDL - English Language Office
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to angol translators
SDL - English Language Office
Average blue board rating: 4.9

holland to angol translators
SDL - English Language Office
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to arab translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to portugál professionals
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to francia professionals
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to német translators
Average blue board rating: 5

német to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

thai to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to török translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to svéd translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to ukrán translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to holland translators
Average blue board rating: 5

holland to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to kínai translators
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to japán translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to koreai translators
Average blue board rating: 5

portugál to német translators
De Letra Tradução e Serviços Linguísticos
Average blue board rating: 5

portugál to orosz translators
De Letra Tradução e Serviços Linguísticos
Average blue board rating: 5

orosz to portugál translators
De Letra Tradução e Serviços Linguísticos
Average blue board rating: 5

francia to angol translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to portugál translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to francia translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to svéd translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to spanyol translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to koreai translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to bolgár translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to cseh translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to szlovák translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to kínai translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to norvég translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to angol translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

portugál to angol translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

orosz to angol translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

cseh to angol translators
Parallel Translations Ltd
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to német professionals
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to spanyol professionals
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to német professionals
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to német translators
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to francia translators
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to spanyol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

olasz to orosz translators
Average blue board rating: 5

német to albán translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to orosz translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

orosz to angol translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to spanyol translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to kínai translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to francia translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to török translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to német translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to portugál translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to francia translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to több nyelv translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to olasz translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to spanyol translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to koreai translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

francia to kínai translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

francia to több nyelv translators
WhP International
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to spanyol translators
Paragon Language Services, Inc.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to spanyol translators
Paragon Language Services, Inc.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

német to spanyol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

spanyol to német translators
Average blue board rating: 5

francia to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

spanyol to angol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

holland to spanyol translators
Average blue board rating: 5

angol to spanyol translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to francia translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to olasz translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to német translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to kínai translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to japán translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to koreai translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to orosz translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to arab translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to portugál translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to holland translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to dán translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to norvég translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to svéd translators
CETRA Language Solutions
Average blue board rating: 4.5

holland to francia translators
1 to 1 Translations B.V.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

holland to orosz translators
1 to 1 Translations B.V.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

holland to francia translators
1 to 1 Translations B.V.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

holland to dán translators
1 to 1 Translations B.V.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

holland to angol translators
1 to 1 Translations B.V.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to francia translators
Telelingua France

francia to angol translators
Telelingua France

német to angol translators
Telelingua France

holland to angol translators
Telelingua France

olasz to angol translators
Telelingua France

angol to finn translators
Professional Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to dán translators
Professional Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to holland translators
Professional Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

angol to norvég translators
Professional Translations
Average blue board rating: 4.5

német to japán translators
tolingo GmbH
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to olasz translators
Paragon Language Services, Inc.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to litván translators
Paragon Language Services, Inc.
Average blue board rating: 4.9

angol to japán translators
Average blue board rating: 4.8

angol to kínai translators
Average blue board rating: 4.8

angol to koreai translators
Average blue board rating: 4.8

francia to görög professionals

We are currently recruiting Freelancers from/into Greek from/to any European Language but any other language combination would be welcome as well.

Any Translators, Localizers, Proofreaders, Subtitlers, DTP-Specialists, etc. are very welcome to post their resume and rates. As soon as your application is approved you will be provided with a link, in order to register on our system and be considered for future assignments.

Thank you in advance and welcome to Metafrasma!