videos » Marketing

5 Mindset Shifts to Take Your Translation Business to the Next Level (Free Webinar)

5 Mindset Shifts to Take Your Translation Business to the Next Level (Free Webinar)

Jan 24, 2023
698 views, English, uploaded by Tess Whitty

Take your translation business to the next level in 2023 with these 5 mindset shifts

Whether you feel like you're working with the same old clients, unable to grow your income, or working too much for too little, I want you to know that it doesn't have to be that way.👩

💻 With some new strategies and in particular a new way to look at your business, you can recharge your business in 2023 and take it to the next level. I have collected the 5 most important shifts needed to take your translation business to the next level. 📈

I’d love to personally invite you to my marketing roadmap course – MARKETING MASTERY – A comprehensive marketing framework to attract your ideal clients, raise your rates, grow your income, and market consistently

Use this link to benefit from the special discount. Expires January 29.

2020 Vision: How to Have an Amazing Next 12 Months!

2020 Vision: How to Have an Amazing Next 12 Months!

Feb 4, 2020
363 views, English, uploaded by Drew MacFadyen

Fail to prepare and you are probably preparing to fail. And if you keep doing the same things year in and year out, then how can you expect to achieve extraordinary results? In this session, Paul will explore some of the barriers that might be holding you back, and help you to design an easy-to-follow plan that will really enable you to accomplish your goals over the next 12 months. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to succeed!

2020 Vision: How to Have an Amazing Next 12 Months!

2020 Vision: How to Have an Amazing Next 12 Months!

Feb 4, 2020
343 views, English, uploaded by Drew MacFadyen

Fail to prepare and you are probably preparing to fail. And if you keep doing the same things year in and year out, then how can you expect to achieve extraordinary results? In this session, Paul will explore some of the barriers that might be holding you back, and help you to design an easy-to-follow plan that will really enable you to accomplish your goals over the next 12 months. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to succeed!

How to find your clients on social media without hiring a marketer

How to find your clients on social media without hiring a marketer

Sep 11, 2018
1,147 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

I don't need to explain why social media are becoming more and more used to grow business all around the world. And let's face it: we either think it is too complicated for us we simply do it downright wrong! And so your voice and experience cannot be heard, and you are just one among many others. By leveraging your social media channels, you can change your business and make it grow exponentially! In this course, I will teach you how to do so!

Price: $ 25.00

Starting a small translation agency: creating a buyer persona

Starting a small translation agency: creating a buyer persona

Jun 29, 2017
1,792 views, English, uploaded by Sara Colombo

A buyer persona helps you to visualise and internalise the ideal customer(s) you want to attract with your new translation business. It works well for freelancers as well as agencies and can highlight the threats and opportunities of your target market as well as the strengths and weaknesses of your marketing strategy. In one hour, we will learn how to create your buyer persona and target the right market, focus on the right marketing activities and manage your time better.

Price: $ 20.00