videos » Localization

Giocare in cinese e in italiano: la traduzione e la transcreazione nei videogiochi

Giocare in cinese e in italiano: la traduzione e la transcreazione nei videogiochi

Nov 16, 2023
13 views, Italian

La lingua cinese e la lingua italiana sono due mondi lontani, difficili da far incontrare, ancora più difficile se l'obiettivo è produrre un'ottima traduzione di un videogioco con personaggi e oggetti immersi in mondi immaginari. In questo workshop vi aiuterò, con esempi pratici, a trovare soluzioni ai possibili problemi linguistici nella traduzione di materiali videoludici in questa combinazione linguistica, partendo da generi quali videogiochi di ruolo e d'avventura per arrivare al casinò on line. Saranno forniti anche consigli su come gestire in autonomia le principali problematiche che possono insorgere durante un progetto di traduzione di questo tipo.

Price: $ 50.00

How to Become A LVL 99 Localization Specialist Without Going to Uni Again

How to Become A LVL 99 Localization Specialist Without Going to Uni Again

Jul 16, 2018
204 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

Life is too short to do something you don't like. If you can agree with this statement, you will love then translating games as much as I do while making your living. So, in this course I will teach you the basics on game localization and how to go out and find the clients you want in this particular and funny niche, where you will translate the sorts of FIFA, Mario, PES, Desolate, with a translator with 10 years of experience in the area. Whether you are new to the translation industry or a fully-fledged translator, you will find this course useful and, who knows, maybe this will take your translation career to the next level?

Price: $ 20.00

Localization of commercials and advertisements

Localization of commercials and advertisements

May 24, 2018
278 views, English, uploaded by Jasmina Djordjevic

The skill of localization of commercials and advertisements is a good source of income because companies all over the world depend on presenting their products to the public. The better the product is presented to each target audience, the better it will sell. Inappropriate localization, i.e. poor translation and adaptation of the source content may be detrimental to the product visibility and appeal as well as the reputation of the company. Acquiring the skill of creative and appropriate localization will ensure more work in a highly competitive business thus improving the translator's position on the market.

Localization depends on the skill of understanding commercials and advertisements, i.e. the source content as well as the correct cultural representation of such content to a target audience so that the projected audience response to the localized content will be as expected.

This webinar is focusing on these two aspects of localization so that one part of the webinar will include work on the strategies needed in the process of analysis whereas the other part of the webinar will be directed at illustrating how to successfully localize content presented in commercials and advertisements.

The analysis strategies are an important aspect of the localization process because not all content presented in commercials and advertisements is immediately appropriate to be localized. Some content might be inappropriate due to cultural issues including politics, religion, tradition, etc. In such cases, a commercial or advertisement will have to be adapted at several levels, the semantic one being the least of the problems. The first part of the webinar will deal with the strategies that support the analysis of content to be localized.

The actual localization of the content which includes steps, such as adaptation and transcreation will be dealt with in the second part of the webinar. The difference between localization as a strategy, translation and transcreation as processes and adaptation as a technique will be dealt with in more details and illustrated by relevant examples.

Price: $ 35.00

Lokalizacja oprogramowania, stron internetowych i dokumentów technicznych

Lokalizacja oprogramowania, stron internetowych i dokumentów technicznych

Sep 14, 2017
176 views, Polish, uploaded by Anna Fitak

W trakcie tego szkolenia uzyskasz najważniejsze informacje związane z lokalizacją na język polski w pigułce. Porozmawiamy o najważniejszych elementach wymagających lokalizacji, a występujących w tłumaczeniach z zakresu różnych dziedzin, narzędziach CAT, problemach z lokalizacją oprogramowania (także aplikacji księgowych i prawniczych!!!) i powszechnie stosowanych rozwiązaniach tych problemów oraz o źródłach, z których można pobierać to, co już ktoś kiedyś za nas zrobił! A na koniec coś o kulturze... Zapraszam.

Price: $ 20.00

Practical Examples and Specific Challenges for Sports Games Localisation

Practical Examples and Specific Challenges for Sports Games Localisation

Aug 10, 2017
407 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

The last part of the 3 webinar-long series on video games localisation. In this webinar, attendants will do a practical homework on games localisation and discuss the challenges and difficulties they found on it. Additionally, a brief explanation on games localisation will be given.

Price: $ 20.00

Bug Fixing and Spotting

Bug Fixing and Spotting

Jul 5, 2017
298 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

In this course, you will see the best practices for bug filing and bug fixing, and understanding the importance of it within the localisation process. Little practical examples will be given here, and this lesson will be focused on theory.

Price: $ 20.00

Challenges in Games Localisation

Challenges in Games Localisation

Jun 29, 2017
341 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

Introduction to games localisation. Differences between games localisation and software localisation. The concept of transcreation explained.

Price: $ 20.00

Introduction to Games Localisation

Introduction to Games Localisation

Jun 21, 2017
413 views, English, uploaded by Juan Pablo Sans

In the session, you will learn the basics about localisation and understand the steps you need in order to carry on your localisation project: from the very internationalisation to localisation, going through globalisation and language engineering. Additionally, you understand the differences between localisation and translation, as well as some best practices for your localisation services, either as a translator or as an end-costumer.

Price: $ 20.00

Локализация мобильных приложений на русский язык

Локализация мобильных приложений на русский язык

Jun 13, 2017
479 views, Russian, uploaded by Kateryna Volobuieva

В ходе часового вебинара мы поговорим с вами о том, что такое локализация в общем и обсудим стилистические и терминологические особенности локализации мобильных приложений. Вы узнаете, как поступать с кусками кода, которые могут встретиться в исходных файлах, поймете различие между тегами, сущностями, заполнителями места и графическими символами, и научитесь учитывать их в своем переводе. Мы также обсудим с вами отличия процесса локализации приложений для бюро переводов и для прямых заказчиков.

Price: $ 20.00