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Minimum charge(s): Minimum charge for editing/proofreading in EUR: 50.00 Minimum charge for translation in EUR: 50.00 Minimum charge for subtitling in EUR: 50.00
English to German: Subtitle file for the game trailer of Dodoresque - Jungle Fever General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English We are 1500 miles east of the cost of South Africa, in the Indian Ocean, on the tiny island of Mauritius. It is the early days of spring and the air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoming flowers. But the peace on the island is not going to last for long. This fuzzy, colourful and inquisitive creature is a dodo and it is on a mission. At this time of the year, the island is a buzz with labouring birds, all trying to get their bits and pieces to decorate their nest. But this isn’t always as easy as it seems. The island harbours many dangers and the dodo must be on the look-out if it wants to succeed. Giant birds in the sky and cunning cats in the savanna prey on these busy birds. But sometimes the worst enemy is inside the own ranks and more often than not the very dodo itself. But in the end the fittest or sometimes luckiest dodo will finally reap the fruit of its labour and bring an end to this dodoresque spectacle on Mauritius.
Translation - German 1
00:00:02,369 --> 00:00:05,705
Wir befinden uns 1500 Meilen
östlich der Küste von Afrika,
00:00:05,939 --> 00:00:07,007
im indischen Ozean,
00:00:07,474 --> 00:00:09,642
auf der kleinen Insel Mauritius.
00:00:10,577 --> 00:00:12,312
Der Frühling ist angebrochen
00:00:12,445 --> 00:00:16,316
und der süße Duft
der Frühjahrsblumen liegt in der Luft.
00:00:17,484 --> 00:00:20,920
Der Friede auf der Insel
wird jedoch bald ein jähes Ende finden.
00:00:21,321 --> 00:00:26,192
Dieses flauschige, neugierige Wesen mit
dem prächtigen Federkleid ist ein Dodo
00:00:26,693 --> 00:00:27,794
und er hat eine Mission!
00:00:28,828 --> 00:00:32,699
Zu dieser Zeit des Jahres herrscht
auf der Insel geschäftiges Treiben.
00:00:33,066 --> 00:00:36,970
Eifrig sammeln die Vögel
Materialen für ihre Nestdekoration.
00:00:37,804 --> 00:00:40,907
Doch das ist gar nicht immer so einfach,
wie es scheint.
00:00:42,208 --> 00:00:44,177
Auf der Insel
lauern zahlreiche Gefahren.
00:00:44,411 --> 00:00:47,747
Der Dodo muss stets auf der Hut sein,
um auf der Insel zu bestehen.
00:00:48,615 --> 00:00:50,483
Gigantische Raubvögel am Himmel
00:00:51,184 --> 00:00:54,487
und listige Raubkatzen in der Savanne
jagen die eifrigen Dodos.
00:00:54,921 --> 00:00:59,092
Doch oft ist der schlimmsten Feind
in den eigenen Reihen zu finden
00:00:59,926 --> 00:01:02,896
und nicht selten ist es der Dodo selbst.
00:01:03,229 --> 00:01:07,233
Doch schließlich wird der Stärkste
oder manchmal der größte Glückspilz
00:01:07,567 --> 00:01:10,236
die Früchte seiner Arbeit ernten.
00:01:10,603 --> 00:01:15,308
Und damit endet das Dodoresque-Spektakel
auf der kleinen Insel Mauritius.
English to German: Health and safety General field: Science Detailed field: Safety
Source text - English H220-Extremely flammable gas.
H221-Flammable gas.
H222-Extremely flammable aerosol.
H223-Flammable aerosol.
H224-Extremely flammable liquid and vapour.
H271-May cause fire or explosion; strong oxidizer.
H272-May intensify fire; oxidizer.
H312-Harmful in contact with skin.
H315-Causes skin irritation.
H317-May cause an allergic skin reaction.
H318-Causes serious eye damage.
Translation - German H220-Extrem entzündbares Gas.
H221-Entzündbares Gas.
H222-Extrem entzündbares Aerosol.
H223-Entzündbares Aerosol.
H224-Flüssigkeit und Dampf extrem entzündbar.
H271-Kann Brand oder Explosion verursachen; starkes Oxidationsmittel.
H272-Kann Brand verstärken; Oxidationsmittel.
H312-Gesundheitsschädlich bei Hautkontakt.
H315-Verursacht Hautreizungen.
H317-Kann allergische Hautreaktionen verursachen.
H318-Verursacht schwere Augenschäden.
English to German: September 2015 ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Economics
Source text - English Global growth remains gradual and uneven. It was moderate in the first quarter of the year, and the latest indicators and data point to subdued global activity also in the near term. Looking ahead, global growth is expected to strengthen. Low oil prices, continued accommodative financing conditions at the global level, waning fiscal consolidation, improving labour market conditions and rising confidence should support a pick-up in growth in advanced economies. By contrast, the outlook has worsened considerably in emerging market economies, as some of the downside risks identified in previous projections have materialised. Structural impediments and macroeconomic imbalances are restraining growth in some emerging market economies, while others are being adversely affected by lower commodity prices, political uncertainty and tighter external financing conditions. After the weak start to the year, global GDP growth (excluding the euro area) is projected to accelerate from 3.2% in 2015 to 4% by 2017.
Translation - German Die Wirtschaft wächst weltweit allmählich und ungleichmäßig. Im ersten Quartal des Jahres war das Wachstum moderat und die jüngsten Indikatoren sowie Daten deuten auf kurze Sicht ebenfalls auf eine gedämpfte wirtschaftliche Entwicklung hin. Auf lange Sicht dürfte die Wirtschaft weltweit jedoch wachsen. Die niedrigen Ölpreise, die anhaltenden akkommodierenden Finanzierungsbedingungen weltweit, die nachlassende Haushaltskonsolidierung, die sich verbessernde Arbeitsmarktbedingungen sowie die steigende Zuversicht dürften das Wirtschaftswachstum in den Industrieländern unterstützen. Im Gegensatz dazu haben sich die Aussichten für die Schwellenländer deutlich verschlechtert, da sich dort einige Abwärtsrisiken aus vorhergehenden Projektionen zeigten. Strukturelle Hemmnisse und das gesamtwirtschaftliche Ungleichgewicht beeinträchtigen das Wachstum in einigen Schwellenländern, während niedrigere Rohstoffpreise, politische Unsicherheit und striktere Bedingungen bei der Fremdfinanzierung das ein Wirtschaftswachstum in anderen Schwellenländern verhindern. Nach dem schwachen Jahresauftakt wird erwartet, dass das globale Wachstum des BIP (außerhalb des Euro-Währungsgebietes) von 3,2% im Jahr 2015 auf 4% bis 2017 steigen wird.
*For urgent projects, please check my availability in the calendar (on the left): Red means that I may not be able to reply to your message until the next day with availability. I don't reply to mass emails. I reserve the right to charge for (mass) emails if companies are spamming me again and again. Non-payment of these invoices will be reported at the ProZ blueboard.
Susanne Gläsel - English-to-German freelance translator, subtitler, reviewer and tester: Welcome to my profile!
About me:
German native speaker born in Germany
Master's degree in translating English/German from the renowned Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, UK
ability to work with a variety of CAT tools including SDL Trados Studio, memoQ, Smartling, Phrase (Memsource), OneSky as well as Smartcat
profound knowledge of and experience in translating marketing, promotional and business materials (press releases, service presentations, blog articles, websites, ...)
experience in translating web texts for e-commerce in the fashion and textile industry as well as translation of catalogues and brochures in these industries
good knowledge in market research for consumer goods and services (surveys)
experience in translating for the gaming industry and related industries (including marketing texts, surveys and games for the following genres: RPG, Sims, Battle Royale, MOBA and other genres)
experience in literary translations (e. g. webtoons and anime of different genres including non-fiction, fantasy, sci fi, ...)
acquired great knowledge about wooden products and a variety of other fields such as HR, sales, procurement while working in a well-established wood processing company for more than 3 years
As a game localizer, I mostly enjoy working on story-rich games (RPG, JRPG and simulation games such as Cat Quest I + II, Final Fantasy, Pokémon Arceus Legends, Stardew Valley, Tales of Vesperia/Symphonia, Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk, manga- and anime-related games) but also puzzle games such as the inner world and casual games like Pokémon Go or Gardenscapes.
Language services I offer:
translation, proofreading, subtitling/closed captioning, linguistic quality assurance (LQA), linguistic testing, keyword seeding
Main working areas:
Whistleblowing systems
Marketing & Promotion
Market research
Psychology and neuroscience
Human resource (HR)
Business & economics
Toys, video as well as board games
Tourism & traveling
Selection of jobs & work samples:
Translation and proofreading
translated the friendship and relationship dialogues of the Sim-RPG game Potion Permit as well as terminology management and brainstorming with other linguists of the German team to find translation for the proper names
translated one of the most popular webtoons (over 1m clicks) for an expanding company in South Korea
Linguistic quality assurance (LQA) for German blog articles in the HR services industry, including checking keyword implementation, links, style, gender-inclusive language, brand tone and voice as well as compliance with the diversity and inclusion guidelines
translated and adapted the English descriptions for several fashion products for the German market
translated a great number of surveys for consumer products such as food, luxury items or furniture
translated a variety of texts in the field of economics and business (surveys, economic forecasts, executive summaries, inflation, exports/imports, central banks (Fed, Bank of England, ECB), monetary policy, quantitative easing, consumer prices, commodity prices)
translated video scripts for marketing campaigns and internal business communication
translated and proofread in-game content as well as marketing materials of video games (genres: RPG, Simulation, MOBA, Battle Royal, Shooter, Jump'n'Run, action-adventure and many more)
Linguistic Testing
Linguistic testing of a shooter game for the operating system Android
made screenshots and added them to the LQA report (excel spreadsheet)
reported linguistic issues including the issue category, type, steps to reproduce the error and added the string from the localization kit in the Excel spreadsheet (issues covered: text improvements, spacing errors, grammar as well as spelling mistakes, stylistic errors, punctuation errors)
reported the number of issues found on Jira
Linguistic testing of the multi-award-winning RPG game as well as therapeutic app Apart of Me
followed the test plan to make sure that all text is displayed correctly (no mistranslations, spelling or grammar errors, inappropriate language for the genre or the target audience etc.)
made screenshots and created bug reports on Trello when necessary
created the German subtitles for game trailers as well as gameplay videos.
created the German closed captions for the deaf and hard of hearing audience of a TV show
carried out quality controls of subtitles for feature length and episodic media content (more than 200 videos)
Clients' feedback:
You can check out the feedback from my clients here.
How can I help you?
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need help.
I am looking forward to a good collaboration with you!
I'm a member of Translation Mastermind, a global network of like-minded translators with a holistic perspective on freelancing.
Keywords: human translator for English to German for press releases, keyword seeding. linguistic testing, translate English to German, English to German translations, translate to German, translator German to English, German translator, English translator, translator German English, translation from English to German. See more.human translator for English to German for press releases, keyword seeding. linguistic testing, translate English to German, English to German translations, translate to German, translator German to English, German translator, English translator, translator German English, translation from English to German, German English translator, economics, marketing, promotion, subtitling, E-Commerce translation, Translation English-German, translation, subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing, Games, Gaming, video games translator, Proofreading, Übersetzung, Untertitelung, Transkription, Englisch, Deutsch, Übersetzungen Deutsch, Webshop translation, content localization, Literaturübersetzungen, German translation press release, Spiele, Spielwaren, toys, Romanübersetzung, Übersetzer Buch, Übersetzer Fantasy, translation fantasy novel, translation book, YouTube subtitles, SRT, SDL Trados Studio, marketing translator, German translator for movie subtitles, video game translator German, video game translation German, German video game translator, German subtitles, subtitle translation, economics translation German, English to German translation, journal German translator, Economic forecast German translation, Übersetzer in Bayern, Nürnberg, German translator online shop, English to German translator in Münnerstadt, Bad Kissingen, Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Bad Bocklet, offentlich bestellte und allgemein beeidigte Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzerin in Münnerstadt, Bad Kissingen, Bad Neustadt an der Saale, Bad Bocklet. See less.