Job closed
This job was closed at Sep 23, 2024 07:26 GMT.

Recurring legal projects, large Automotive client, DE to ENUS

Job posted at: Sep 20, 2024 12:29 GMT   (GMT: Sep 20, 2024 12:29)

Job type: Translation/editing/proofing job
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, MT post-editing

Languages: German to English

Language variant: US English

Job description:
We are seeking qualified translators for recurring legal projects from one of our customers, a large automotive company, focusing on translating and proofreading legal contracts. Due to the high level of legal knowledge required, we are specifically looking for translators with a strong background in law, either through academic studies or work experience.

Project Details:

- Source Language: German (DE)
- Target Language: US English (ENUS)
- Specialization: Law, Contracts

- Native ENUS speaker
- Background in law (studies or professional experience in legal translation)

If you match this profile and are interested, please reach out to us at [HIDDEN]

When reaching out, please provide following standard rates in EUR €:
- Translation per word
- Proofreading per word
- Post-editing of MT
- General hourly rate

Note for the payments: If based in the USA, applicants must agree to use Payoneer for receiving payments.

Please note that we are only accepting applications from freelancers for this opportunity. Submissions from agencies will not be considered.

We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

Payment method: Other
Payment terms: 45 days from the delivery date.
Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
info Required expertise: Law/Patents
info Required specific fields: Contracts = Law: Contract, Law (general)
info Required native language: Target language(s)
Subject field: Law (general)
Quoting deadline: Sep 27, 2024 12:09 GMT
Delivery deadline: Oct 4, 2024 12:09 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Contact person title: Vendor Manager