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Marketing PE jobs in the Aviation Industry

Job posted at: Aug 15, 2024 14:47 GMT   (GMT: Aug 15, 2024 14:47)

Job type: Potential Job
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, MT post-editing

Languages: English to Bosnian, English to Georgian, English to Hebrew, English to Latvian, English to Lithuanian, English to Romanian, English to Russian, English to Serbian, English to Ukrainian

Job description:
Language source: English (UK)
Field: Marketing
Subject: The aviation industry
CAT Tool: Phrase
Services: mostly Post- Editing and Revision of Post-Editing
Volume: small, but very frequent jobs.

Please be aware that to access these jobs, you will be asked to take a short translation test

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
info Required expertise: Marketing
info Preferred specific fields: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Subject field: Marketing
Quoting deadline: Sep 30, 2024 17:30 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a Business Enterprise member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 3 out of 5

Note: Sign in to see outsourcer contact information.

Contact person title: Community Manager

Quotes received: 182
English to Russian:51
English to Ukrainian:22
English to Bosnian:16
English to Romanian:28
English to Serbian:25
English to Latvian:9
English to Hebrew:9
English to Georgian:11
English to Lithuanian:11