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English and German to Hungarian proofreader for 2500 words

Lavoro pubblicato il: Jul 30, 2024 10:10 GMT   (GMT: Jul 30, 2024 10:10)

Job type: Lavoro di traduzione/revisione:
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, Interpreting, Consecutive, Interpreting, Simultaneous, Voiceover, Summarization, Education, Interpreting, Chuchotage/Whispering, Interpreting, Liaison, Interpreting, Phone, Transcription, Copywriting, MT post-editing, Transcreation, Subtitling, Captioning, Subtitling, Checking/Editing/QC

Lingue: Da Tedesco a Ungherese

Descrizione lavoro:

We have a pdf file containing English and German and 2 word files for the translated text to Hungarian.

Total WC for the Hungarian translation is 2500 words.

We need someone to revise accurately and deliver by the end of the day.

Metodo di pagamento ProZ*Pay
Poster country: Egitto

Obiettivi del fornitore di servizi (specificati dall'autore dell'inserzione)
info Madrelingua del fornitore richiesta: Lingua(e) destinazione
Campo specifico: Generale/Conversazioni/Auguri/Lettere
Scadenza invio quotazioni: Jul 31, 2024 00:00 GMT
Scadenza consegna lavoro: Jul 31, 2024 10:00 GMT
Informazioni sul committente:
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

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