Job closed
This job was closed at Jul 12, 2024 13:45 GMT.

SP>EN, PT>EN Cape Town conference Aug 5-7

Job posted at: Jun 28, 2024 18:00 GMT   (GMT: Jun 28, 2024 18:00)
Job approved and potential candidates notified at: Jun 28, 2024 19:57 GMT

Job type: Interpreting Job
Service required: Interpreting, Simultaneous
Confidentiality level: LOW

Languages: Portuguese to English, Spanish to English

Job description:
Resilient Cities Network [HIDDEN] brings together over 200 Chief Resilience Officers, partners, practitioners, and researchers for common goals around climate resilience and sustainable cities.

The Urban Power Knowledge Exchange seeks to provide a platform for cities to learn from one another about institutionalizing urban energy resilience and designing sustainable solutions to urban energy challenges. The program is hosting a 40-50 person convening in Cape Town, South Africa from Aug 5-7th. We need interpreters for two Spanish speakers and two Portuguese speakers for plenary sessions (full group presentations) and small group sessions (10-20 participants), and site visits. Must be able to supply your own equipment.

Time/duration: 3 Days

Poster country: United States

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
Membership: Non-members may quote after 12 hours
Subject field: Energy / Power Generation
info Required quoter location: South Africa
Quoting deadline: Jul 12, 2024 13:45 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a non logged in visitor

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Quotes received: 0 (Job closed)