Job closed
This job was closed at Jul 5, 2024 09:00 GMT.

EN-JP Video Translator

Wysłano: Jun 24, 2024 08:35 GMT   (GMT: Jun 24, 2024 08:35)

Job type: Oferta tłumaczenia pisemnego / redakcji / korekty
Service required: Translation

Języki: angielski > japoński

Opis oferty pracy:
JOB DESCRIPTION (EN-JP Video Translator)

Location: Remote

Job Summary
The Video Translator is a freelance role, and this position is responsible for localizing English materials related to videos into the target language.

Key Accountabilities
· Reading and understanding the context of the given material
· Researching industry-specific terminology
· Converting the English material into Japanese
· Proofreading the translated text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation accuracy

Education and Qualifications
· The candidate has to be a native speaker of Japanese with good English
· Bachelor's degree and above
· Video-related translation experience

Knowledge and Skill Requirement
· Excellent English skills (both verbal and written)
· Ability to provide fluent translation, proficiency in machine translation/CAT tools is a plus
· Proactive work attitude
· Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural context as a good team member
· Ability to follow the schedule and implement plans while paying attention to details

Contactl: [HIDDEN]

Poster country: Chiny

Wymagania dot. wykonawcy (określone przez zleceniodawcę):
info Wymagany język ojczysty: japoński
Dziedzina : video
Ostateczny termin przyjmowania odpowiedzi: Aug 1, 2024 00:29 GMT
Ostateczny termin wykonania zlecenia: Aug 31, 2024 00:29 GMT
O zleceniodawcy:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.