Job closed
This job was closed at Jul 1, 2024 00:00 GMT.


Job posted at: Jun 23, 2024 19:39 GMT   (GMT: Jun 23, 2024 19:39)

Job type: Translation/editing/proofing job
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing, MT post-editing

Languages: Arabic to Italian, Chinese to Italian, Dutch to Italian, English to Italian, French to Italian, German to Italian, Japanese to Italian, Polish to Italian, Portuguese to Italian, Russian to Italian, Spanish to Italian, Turkish to Italian

Job description:

We are currently recruiting multiple languages into Italian for a regular flow (daily) for one of our accounts.


Having vast experience in 1 of the below domains:
- Legal
- Medical
- Automotive
- Technical
- General

If you are NATIVE ITALIAN, apply to this position by submitting a quote specifying your rate per word for translation only/MTPE as well as a brief outline of your experience in any of the above fields.

Being a certified ITALIAN translator is a PLUS!

Best regards

Payment method: ProZ*Pay
Poster country: Egypt

Service provider targeting (specified by job poster):
Membership: Non-members may quote after 12 hours
info Tech/Engineering, Social Sciences, Bus/Financial, Medical, Marketing, Law/Patents, Science
info Required native language: Target language(s)
Subject field: Law (general)
info Preferred software: MateCat
Quoting deadline: Jul 1, 2024 00:00 GMT
Delivery deadline: Jul 10, 2024 00:00 GMT
About the outsourcer:
This job was posted by a professional member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Quotes received: 297 (Job closed)
English to Italian:131
German to Italian:32
Japanese to Italian:3
Arabic to Italian:4
French to Italian:47
Portuguese to Italian:10
Spanish to Italian:52
Dutch to Italian:7
Russian to Italian:3
Turkish to Italian:2
Polish to Italian:4
Chinese to Italian:2