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Poll: How many books (of any genre) do you own?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Feb 3, 2022

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How many books (of any genre) do you own?".

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Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:09
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
100+ Feb 3, 2022

I’d say circa 300, probably more. I have 146 dictionaries and encyclopedias on my bookcase just by my desk (I haven’t touched a lot of them for a long time but I love having them around as they have been good friends), a lot of poetry, art and literature books on another bookcase in my living room and a few more in the basement (boxes I haven’t opened since I moved 6 years ago from Brussels to Lisbon). Before moving I offered a lot of dictionaries and reference books to a few colleagues an... See more
I’d say circa 300, probably more. I have 146 dictionaries and encyclopedias on my bookcase just by my desk (I haven’t touched a lot of them for a long time but I love having them around as they have been good friends), a lot of poetry, art and literature books on another bookcase in my living room and a few more in the basement (boxes I haven’t opened since I moved 6 years ago from Brussels to Lisbon). Before moving I offered a lot of dictionaries and reference books to a few colleagues and to a Portuguese association library…Collapse

Muriel Vasconcellos
Local time: 21:09
Spanish to English
+ ...
Other Feb 3, 2022

I said more than thirty, but didn't bother counting. I just didn't want to sound like a Philistine for not owning enough books. I have read many more than I possess. My mother used to be a librarian, so growing up I had access to loads of books to read without having to buy them.

Liena Vijupe
Noni Gilbert Riley
Axelle H.
Axelle H.  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:09
English to French
All books.. Feb 3, 2022

...since 30 years. But since I have a Kindle, it keeps my office/library much tidy ..(I own 436 books in my kindle and over 1000 in the house, I let you imagine how it was fun to move 2 years ago !)

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Noni Gilbert Riley
Jeanette Storm Hansen
Jeanette Storm Hansen
Local time: 21:09
English to Danish
+ ...
Public library Feb 3, 2022

I do not own alot, but it is because I always use the public library. They always have the new titles, the new edition of a given book and online, free audiobooks which I often use. It's free and doesn't take up any space at home 😉.

Marta Marrero Frías
Noni Gilbert Riley
John Silva
John Silva
Local time: 16:09
English to Portuguese
+ ...
A lot of them Feb 3, 2022

Even though today you check terminologies and learn more about some specific fields online...

Miriama Buzáková
Aline Amorim
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:09
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
@Axelle Feb 3, 2022

Axelle H. wrote:

I own 436 books in my kindle and over 1000 in the house, I let you imagine how it was fun to move 2 years ago !

I know exactly what you mean...

Axelle H.
Muriel Vasconcellos
Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:09
Member (2008)
Italian to English
951 Feb 3, 2022

According to Bookpedia, which I keep up to date, I own 951 books (all genres). This excludes the books I have on Kindle, and the library books I borrow.

Current reading consists of 7 books. Priority is "The Museum of Innocence" by Orhan Pamuk, which I am greatly enjoying reading in Maureen Freely's translation, which reads very well although I don't speak Turkish and can't judge whether it's good or not - although Pamuk himself had oversight of it.


... See more
According to Bookpedia, which I keep up to date, I own 951 books (all genres). This excludes the books I have on Kindle, and the library books I borrow.

Current reading consists of 7 books. Priority is "The Museum of Innocence" by Orhan Pamuk, which I am greatly enjoying reading in Maureen Freely's translation, which reads very well although I don't speak Turkish and can't judge whether it's good or not - although Pamuk himself had oversight of it.


The number has just gone up to 952. This book (NOT bought from Amazon) has just been delivered:

[Edited at 2022-02-03 10:18 GMT]

Serhan Elmacıoğlu
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:09
English to Turkish
Old books Feb 3, 2022

I have over 100 in my library. But I find that some of the old ones send me into an asthma attack a minute or two after opening them. They are only good for decorating purposes. Shame though... I really want to read an old Jonathan Coe novel again, but it's too moldy and dangerous for my health. I have to reorder the book (despite having it in my library), but the books in English are damn expensive over here.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 12:09
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
+ ...
300 to 400 Feb 3, 2022

Teresa Borges wrote:

I’d say circa 300, probably more. I have 146 dictionaries and encyclopedias on my bookcase just by my desk (I haven’t touched a lot of them for a long time but I love having them around as they have been good friends), a lot of poetry, art and literature books on another bookcase in my living room...

Much like Teresa, my office is lined on two sides with bookshelves containing dictionaries, style manuals, and other references. In addition: a bookcase full of references on landscaping, two large bookcases in my living room with literature, poetry, and studies on the Enneagram, and one with miscellany in the guest room. Not to mention a few lying around here and there. They say "A room without books is like a body without a soul." Before I moved to this house 18 years ago, I sold or gave away at least as many. The bulk were in the field of linguistics. I miss some of those...

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Anna A. K.
Anna A. K.  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:09
Member (2020)
English to German
A lot Feb 3, 2022

Over 1000, from literature to non-fiction.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 20:09
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Same Feb 3, 2022

Baran Keki wrote:

..... the books in English are damn expensive over here.

I have the same problem with books in Italian (which have become prohibitively expensive since Brexit). I compensate, to an extent, by downloading them from Amazon and reading them in Kindle form. But I try not to do this because Jeff Besos is a (imagine a 4-letter word).

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:09
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
About 700 Feb 3, 2022

I still have all my books, even from when I was a child. Many of them are history related in three languages, several novels, especially by Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa, dozens of language books, including Arabian, Swahili, Croatian, etc., not just dictionaries, and of course the books I wrote myself.

Noni Gilbert Riley
Alexandra Speirs
Alexandra Speirs  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:09
Italian to English
+ ...
too many to count Feb 3, 2022

You can't move in this house for books, both mine and my husband's.
Bookcases are stacked to overflowing, even random piles all over the house and bags of stuff we have read once and may read again.
The Kindle is also full, 658 at the last count, some day I may manage to read them all.

We also kept all the children's books for the next generation.
Last time we visited my daughter we took two boxes full of her old favourites which she is gradually introducinng to ou
... See more
You can't move in this house for books, both mine and my husband's.
Bookcases are stacked to overflowing, even random piles all over the house and bags of stuff we have read once and may read again.
The Kindle is also full, 658 at the last count, some day I may manage to read them all.

We also kept all the children's books for the next generation.
Last time we visited my daughter we took two boxes full of her old favourites which she is gradually introducinng to our grandson. He loves all the old Paddington and Mr Men books.

Tom in London
Lucy Gay
svetlana cosquéric
Barbara Cochran, MFA
Linda Miranda
Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:09
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
+ ...
Where are the realistic options? Feb 3, 2022

We have what I believe to be an average number of books in our house. I just counted them... about 500 or so (including 100 children's books and 100 books of fiction). Though 3/4 of them are not "mine" (most of the books belong to my wife).

[Edited at 2022-02-03 10:30 GMT]

Christine Andersen
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Poll: How many books (of any genre) do you own?

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