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Poll: Do you work exclusively as a translator/interpreter?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Aug 24, 2010

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you work exclusively as a translator/interpreter?".

This poll was originally submitted by Nina Snoj. View the poll results »

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Spanish to English
+ ...
No Aug 24, 2010

No, I also work from time to time for a private company as a tour guide or freelance as a teacher of English as a foreign language.

Translating is my main employment, but I enjoy doing these other jobs because they get me out of the house and keep me in face-to-face contact with people.

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
English to Italian
no Aug 24, 2010

Also as a teacher of English (part-time)

Maria Drangel
Maria Drangel  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
English to Swedish
+ ...
No Aug 24, 2010

Translating is a full-time job for me, but on the side, I act in films and TV-commercials. It is a nice balance as acting is very social and in addition it is a welcome extra income.

[Redigerad 2010-08-24 09:05 GMT]

Local time: 00:48
Spanish to English
+ ...
Mainly Aug 24, 2010

... but I also occasionally do "coaching" (preparing clients for presentations, public speaking) which is basically one-to-one TEFLA but with a more trendy monicker, so you can charge more for doing more or less the same job. I haven't done any classroom TEFL for a couple of years now though.

Until last year I also ran a Sunday pub quiz with a colleague, which got me out of the house and mixing with people, but my friend decided he didn't want to keep working Sundays and I found i
... See more
... but I also occasionally do "coaching" (preparing clients for presentations, public speaking) which is basically one-to-one TEFLA but with a more trendy monicker, so you can charge more for doing more or less the same job. I haven't done any classroom TEFL for a couple of years now though.

Until last year I also ran a Sunday pub quiz with a colleague, which got me out of the house and mixing with people, but my friend decided he didn't want to keep working Sundays and I found it too much like hard work doing it on my own. I may start again this winter, depending on my translation workload and other factors.

Sébastien GUITTENY
Sébastien GUITTENY  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
French to English
+ ...
I also teach English Aug 24, 2010

I'm currently teaching English to a French coach - driver.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
Part time Aug 24, 2010

Translations make out approximately one third of my work.

I also teach English and German, aside from being a writer and poet.

The amount of time spend on each profession depends, however, mainly on current demands. I'm quite flexible there.

Darío Giménez
Darío Giménez  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
English to Spanish
+ ...
No Aug 24, 2010

I do also text editing, DTP and graphic design, mostly for publishing companies.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 15:48
Member (2003)
Spanish to English
+ ...
Yes - until last year Aug 24, 2010

I have dedicated my entire career to translating (more than 35 years), but 3 years ago I began studying landscape design and ornamental horticulture, and last year I started to work with my first client.

Amal Al-Arfaj
Amal Al-Arfaj
Saudi Arabia
Local time: 01:48
Member (2005)
English to Arabic
+ ...
A reluctant no Aug 24, 2010

I sell stuff on eBay. It is a hobby but I do make good money. I'm a PowerSeller for a long time now.

[Edited at 2010-08-24 11:45 GMT]

Chun Un
Chun Un  Identity Verified
Member (2007)
English to Chinese
+ ...
also an editor, son, father and husband... Aug 24, 2010

I think that's about it.

[Edited at 2010-08-24 11:46 GMT]

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:48
English to Portuguese
+ ...
In memoriam
I go beyond translation Aug 24, 2010

I answered "no" as I often go beyond translation, where most fellow translators stop.

I also do DTP, subtitle videos, and author DVDs.

Susanna Martoni
Susanna Martoni  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Member (2009)
Spanish to Italian
+ ...
Yes Aug 24, 2010

I work esclusively as a traslator.

Oleg Osipov
Oleg Osipov  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 01:48
English to Russian
+ ...
Travel agent Aug 24, 2010

Also work from home as a travel agent for a travel agency in the USA.

jacana54 (X)
jacana54 (X)  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
I also cook for my family... Aug 24, 2010

Chun Un wrote: also an editor, son, father and husband...

I think that's about it.

[Edited at 2010-08-24 11:46 GMT]

Very well said!

I also cook for my family, I hang the clothes out to dry, and more.

The fact is I enjoy it, but it definitely is a lot of work and takes up time and energy. I wonder how many men colleagues do housework as a part of their workload (rather than as an occasional "favour").

[Edited at 2010-08-24 14:53 GMT]

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Poll: Do you work exclusively as a translator/interpreter?

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