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Powwow: Miami - United States

This discussion belongs to Powwows » "Powwow: Miami - United States".
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RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
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Would you like to organize this event? Feb 8, 2007

My name is Romina and I'm part of's Staff. One of
my tasks deals with providing support to powwows. I
was wondering if anybody would be interested in organizing this event. I'll help you do it. Please contact me at [email protected].

Nabil Salem
Nabil Salem  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:48
Arabic to English
+ ...
Willing to Co-Host/Organize Feb 16, 2007

I am willing to co-host and organize. I would like to include moe activities than just a lunch get-together. Please let me know at [email protected]

United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Spanish
+ ...
Willing to help organize Feb 16, 2007

You can reach me at 786 278 0818 or email me at [email protected]. Conchie Fernandez

RominaZ  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks! Feb 16, 2007

Thank you all for your kind offers to organize. We already have an organizer for this event -Emilija Ivanovska. She'll let you know if she needs help. Thanks again! Have a great time!

Emilija Ivanovska
Emilija Ivanovska  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Macedonian
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lunch or dinner time? Feb 20, 2007

Dear prozians, would you prefer lunch or dinner time? Some colleagues suggested evening, which I am totally fine with. Also, Broward or Dade? We'll put this on voting.

Becky Katz
Becky Katz  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Spanish
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Lunch is better Feb 20, 2007

On a Saturday, I would prefer lunch so I don't leave my husband alone at night. I vote for Broward.

Nabil Salem
Nabil Salem  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:48
Arabic to English
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Significants Others Included Feb 20, 2007

Spouses or significant others should be included in all activities. Most of those interested to participate live in Dade but if the general concensus if for Broward, I will join there.

Deborah Workman
Deborah Workman  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
Spanish to English
+ ...
My vote is for lunch in Broward Feb 20, 2007

... assuming that this is where the votes are being registered. (Is there a poll somewhere else?)

United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Spanish
+ ...
Location for Powwow Feb 20, 2007

Lunch in Dade!

Emilija Ivanovska
Emilija Ivanovska  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Macedonian
+ ...
Saturday, March 10, 1:30pm, Hollywood? Feb 26, 2007

Dear colleagues,

Since most of the votes were for Broward, here are my suggestions:

1. Sushi Blues Cafe - Downtown Hollywood, a really nice place.
There is plenty of parking space around. It is Exit 20 on I-95.

2. Sushi Thai on the Beach, right on Hollywood Beach, by the
... See more
Dear colleagues,

Since most of the votes were for Broward, here are my suggestions:

1. Sushi Blues Cafe - Downtown Hollywood, a really nice place.
There is plenty of parking space around. It is Exit 20 on I-95.

2. Sushi Thai on the Beach, right on Hollywood Beach, by the ocean,

What do you all think?

Luisa Ramos, CT
Luisa Ramos, CT  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Spanish
Hollywood sounds OK Feb 26, 2007

Hollywood is just a stone's throw away from Miami. I prefer the restaurant close to I-95 for ti will be easier to spot. I always get lost!

Gabe Menvielle
Gabe Menvielle
Local time: 13:48
English to Spanish
+ ...
RE: Saturday, March 10, 1:30pm, Hollywood? Feb 27, 2007

Hollywood would be perfect. I love the cozy downtown. I'm really not into sushi but I don't want you to change things just for me. I can adapt and we'll all have a great time.

Thank you for organizing!


Luisa Ramos, CT
Luisa Ramos, CT  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Spanish
I missed the sushi part Feb 27, 2007

I guess I will have lunch at home. No sushi for me. But I will attend regardless.

Emilija Ivanovska
Emilija Ivanovska  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Macedonian
+ ...
If sushi is not a good choice... Feb 27, 2007

I can suggest another place right on Hollywood Blvd - Universe Cafe - or La Piazza Pasta -

Sushi is a little specific, you are right, not everyone likes it. Both other places are fine too, and La Piazza Pasta also has a s
... See more
I can suggest another place right on Hollywood Blvd - Universe Cafe - or La Piazza Pasta -

Sushi is a little specific, you are right, not everyone likes it. Both other places are fine too, and La Piazza Pasta also has a sushi bar (for those who like it). I think La Piazza Pasta would be perfect in fact (I should've thought of it earlier). Check out their menus and let me know. They are both on Hollywood Blvd, parking is not a problem.

Emilija Ivanovska
Emilija Ivanovska  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 13:48
English to Macedonian
+ ...
If syshi is not a good choice... Feb 27, 2007

I can suggest another place right on Hollywood Blvd - Universe Cafe - or La Piazza Pasta -

Sushi is a little specific, you are right, not everyone likes it. Both other places are fine too, and La Piazza Pasta also has a sus
... See more
I can suggest another place right on Hollywood Blvd - Universe Cafe - or La Piazza Pasta -

Sushi is a little specific, you are right, not everyone likes it. Both other places are fine too, and La Piazza Pasta also has a sushi bar (for those who like it). I think La Piazza Pasta would be perfect in fact (I should've thought of it earlier). Check out their menus and let me know. They are both on Hollywood Blvd, parking is not a problem.

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Powwow: Miami - United States

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