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145 results found:

Title Cover Author Language pair Description Feedback
Diccionario de términos económicos, financieros y comerciales Enrique Alcaraz, Brian Huges, José Mateo Martínez English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
Extensive dictionary covering economic, financial and commercial terms.
Diccionario de términos jurídicos / A Dictionary of Legal Terms 10th edition Enrique Alcaraz Varó - Brian Hughes English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
This 10th edition of the dictionary contains 6,849 entries, an 80% increase compared to the terms contained in the 1st edition appeared in 1993. Alcar...
5 (4 entries)
Diccionario de términos médicos Real Academia Nacional de Medicina Spanish西班牙语
A very comprehensive dictionary published by the Spanish National Academy of Medicine. The dictionary is monolingual in Spanish. It does NOT have an E...
Diccionario de Terminología Jurídica Mexicana Javier F. Becerra Spanish西班牙语译成English英语
Dictionary of Legal terms used in Mexico and their equivalence in U.S. English. Centered in Civil Law and Civil Procedure
Diccionario de Terminos de Marketing, Publicidad y Medios de Comunicacion / Dictionary of Marketing, Publicity, and Media Terms Enrique Alcaraz Varo, Brian Hughes English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
7,200 entries in the English to Spanish section and 6,600 in the Spanish to English section
5 (1 entry)
Diccionario del español actual Manuel Seco, Olimpia Andrés, Gabino Ramos Spanish西班牙语
General dictionary of the Spanish language. It contains extensive specific word usage examples. Two volumes.
5 (2 entries)
Diccionario LID de Construcción e Inmobiliario Team of 15 authors English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
Second edition. Includes 10,000 terms, with a definition in Spanish and British and American English, French and German translations. Also includes a ...
3 (2 entries)
Diccionario técnico (inglés<>español) Rafael García Díaz English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
English-Spanish (and vice versa) technical dictionary, which covers a wide number of technical fields, not only engineering-related. 2002 edition.
4 (1 entry)
Diccionario terminológico de las ciencias farmacéuticas / A terminological dictionary of the pharmaceutical sciences Real Academia de Farmacia, Domínguez-Gil Hurlé, Alcaraz Varó, Martínez Motos English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
The dictionary has the clear structure of all Alcaraz-Varó dictionaries, but with some very interesting features e.g. source and target terms embedde...
4.5 (2 entries)
Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portuguesa Antônio Houaiss Portuguese葡萄牙语
Portuguese dictionary with 228,500 words
5 (1 entry)
Dicionário Houaiss Eletrônico da Língua Portuguesa 2009 Editorial Team Portuguese葡萄牙语
This is the new 2009 version(3) of Houaiss, an unabridged eletronic dictionary with more than 442,000 entries. This version includes the New Portugu...
5 (1 entry)
Dictionary geotechnical engineering Herbert Bucksch English英语译成German德语
The two volumes of the Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering consist of approximately 140.000 entries. To each keyword common synonyms are given. Some e...
Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction Nikolas Davies & Erkki Jokiniemi English英语
With more than 20,000 words and terms individually defined, the Dictionary offers huge coverage for anyone studying or working in architecture, constr...
Dictionary of Architecture and Civil Engineering Dr. Loukarfi Larbi English英语译成Arabic阿拉伯语
معجم متخصصة في الهندسة المعمارية والزخرفة الداخلية والخارجية للبنايات، وفي فروعه...
5 (1 entry)
Dictionary of United States Legal Terminology Javier F. Becerra English英语译成Spanish西班牙语
Dictionary of Legal terms used in United States and their equivalence in Mexican Spanish, Centered in Civil Law and Civil Procedure.