Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 6 '09 pol>eng szef sekcji personalno-wychowawczej The head of personnel educational division pro closed no
- Nov 3 '08 eng>pol medium battalion średni batalion pro closed ok
- Oct 23 '08 eng>pol softnosed bullet pocisk (grzybkujący) z niepełnym płaszczem metalowym pro closed ok
- Aug 25 '08 pol>eng żołd military (soldier's) basic pay pro closed no
4 Aug 5 '08 pol>eng zwolnienie ze służby voluntary discharge pro closed ok
- May 16 '08 eng>pol firebase stanowisko bojowe/ogniowe artylerii pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '08 eng>pol senior combat officer starszy (ranga) oficer (specjalnej grupy) bojowej pro closed no
- Dec 19 '07 pol>eng Cześć jego pamięci! In memory of (...) or In his (postmortal) memory pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '07 pol>eng wysokościowo-ratowniczy (Airforce) Training & Rescue (Team) pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered