Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Apr 20 '09 eng>pol on-life-support na respiratorze pro closed ok
- Jan 8 '09 eng>pol low-hanging fruit łatwe/proste do osiagnięcia zadania/gol/cel pro closed no
- Dec 11 '08 eng>pol treatment regimes tryb leczenia/wykonania zabiegu pro closed no
- Dec 11 '08 eng>pol measured bez konfirmacji/weryfikacji pro closed ok
- Oct 24 '08 eng>pol superficial z powierzchownego punktu widzenia pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '08 pol>eng praca w kołchozie slave job/working as a slave pro closed no
- Aug 14 '08 eng>pol an open-book look ewidentny/jasny/klarowny/możliwy do zrozumienia pro closed ok
4 Jul 18 '08 eng>pol blow a raspberry pogardliwe prychnięcie pro closed ok
- Jun 18 '08 pol>eng w szkole (within) the educational institution pro closed ok
- Mar 29 '08 eng>pol blow hot air buchać ogniem pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '08 eng>pol as though someone just walked across my grave ktoś przeszedł po moim grobie pro closed ok
- Feb 10 '08 pol>eng Palec nie górnik, nos nie kopalnia stop digging those holes you're gonna find yourself in china pro closed ok
4 Feb 3 '08 eng>pol Transplanted browns nowo-przeszczepieni w srodowisko ciemnoskorzy pro closed no
- Jan 20 '08 pol>eng białe szaleństwo snow adventures/snow excitement pro closed no
- Jan 17 '08 pol>eng idzie jak przecinak goes through like a (hot) knife through butter pro closed ok
- Jan 1 '08 pol>eng rozbrzmiewać śmiechem burst with laughter pro open no
- Dec 30 '07 eng>pol tap into sth czerpac korzysc pro closed no
- Dec 22 '07 eng>pol float in the wind unosi sie w powietrzu, jest niesprecyzowany pro closed ok
- Dec 18 '07 eng>pol scale-tipper autorytet, osoba z ostatnim" najwazniejszym" pogladem, zdaniem pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '07 eng>pol have a cake and eat it too miej wszystko pro closed ok
- Dec 13 '07 eng>pol idiocy disguised as a pat on the back ukryj glupote chwaleniem pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered