Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jun 11 '10 eng>pol Housing Solutions Team Grupa/Zespół ds. pomocy mieszkaniowej pro closed no
4 Aug 20 '09 eng>pol Decision Authority (DA) organ decyzyjny pro closed ok
4 May 6 '09 pol>eng szef sekcji personalno-wychowawczej The head of personnel educational division pro closed no
- May 4 '09 eng>pol wiry kościsty pro closed no
- May 1 '09 pol>eng upięcie draping pro just_closed no
4 Apr 20 '09 eng>pol on-life-support na respiratorze pro closed ok
- Feb 25 '09 eng>pol Roma tomatoes pomidory roma pro open no
- Feb 24 '09 eng>pol proof [v.] sprawdzić, przetestować pro closed no
4 Feb 6 '09 pol>eng ZACZERWIENIENIA redness pro closed ok
- Feb 6 '09 pol>eng kosmetyki kryjące concealer(s) pro closed no
- Jan 20 '09 eng>pol waxy potatoes ziemniaki woskowate pro closed no
- Jan 6 '09 pol>eng wiedza o Polsce i świecie współczesnym Knowledge about Poland and the Modern World pro closed ok
4 Dec 13 '08 eng>pol dual sensory zaburzenia percepcji wzrokowej i słuchowej pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '08 eng>pol treatment regimes tryb leczenia/wykonania zabiegu pro closed no
- Dec 11 '08 eng>pol measured bez konfirmacji/weryfikacji pro closed ok
- Dec 10 '08 eng>pol restricted business class ograniczona klasa biznes(owa) pro closed no
NP Dec 9 '08 eng>pol What is the meaning of life? Is there more to life than this? czy życie ma głębszy sens? pro closed no
4 Dec 2 '08 eng>pol szczerbol toothless cutie/pie pro closed no
4 Nov 30 '08 eng>pol lees osad w winie podczas (procesu) fermentacji pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '08 pol>eng wizytówka model/showcase pro closed ok
4 Nov 4 '08 eng>pol reinforcement of the bed and bedroom udoskonalenie łóżka oraz sypialnii/warunków niezbędnych do snu pro closed no
- Oct 6 '08 pol>eng galanteria cukiernicza confectionery (finishing) products pro open no
- Oct 1 '08 eng>pol senate house siedziba senatu (władz prawnych) (uniwersytetu) pro closed no
- Sep 30 '08 pol>eng powyzszego odpisu z trescia aktu preceding copy with the certificate details pro open no
4 Sep 29 '08 pol>eng Wydział Wyrównywania Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich Rural Development (Equalization) Department pro closed ok
- Sep 24 '08 eng>eng Glide through life your life is passing before you.... pro closed ok
- Sep 17 '08 pol>eng "myśl o nas ciepło" keep us close to your heart pro closed no
- Sep 12 '08 eng>pol personalized wellness advice indywidualne porady sprawności fizycznej/zdrowia fizycznego pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '08 pol>eng pod rygorem skutków prawnych carrying legal consequences if not complying pro closed no
4 Sep 9 '08 eng>pol socket housing obudowa gniazdka pro closed ok
- Sep 4 '08 eng>pol a recognised programme uznany/przyjęty/zaakceptowany program pro closed ok
4 Sep 2 '08 eng>eng consensual governor able to reach across party lines to bring people together pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '08 eng>pol Personal Credit kredyt osobisty/własny/indywidualny pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '08 eng>pol bridging wyrównawczy pro closed ok
- Aug 28 '08 eng>pol shed: CT Magazyn: ilość/poziom/inwentarz pro closed ok
- Aug 27 '08 eng>pol foodservice court pawilon restauracyjny pro closed ok
- Aug 25 '08 pol>eng żołd military (soldier's) basic pay pro closed no
- Aug 18 '08 pol>eng pole item pro closed ok
- Aug 18 '08 eng>pol executive business center Konferencyjne Centrum Biznesowe pro closed no
4 Aug 16 '08 pol>eng centrum pobytowe accommodation center/facility pro closed ok
4 Aug 15 '08 pol>eng architectural science nauki architektoniczne pro closed no
- Aug 10 '08 eng>pol disturbance allowance dodatek mieszkaniowy pro closed no
- Aug 6 '08 eng>pol workers' compensation leave urlop z tytułu zasiłku pracowniczego pro closed no
- Aug 6 '08 pol>eng ziomal, ziomek hombre/cronie pro closed ok
- Aug 6 '08 pol>eng rozjebać splinter/shatter (into pieces) pro closed no
- Aug 2 '08 eng>pol criminal prosecution tryb postępowania karnego pro just_closed no
4 Jul 28 '08 eng>pol mediated mediacyjny/pojednawczy pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '08 eng>pol błędy w pilotażu the most common problems/complications linked to car ownership pro open no
- Jul 23 '08 pol>eng makrokierunki macrospecialization(s) pro closed ok
- Jul 18 '08 pol>pol paczka - karton opakowanie (pudełko) tekturowe (kartonowe) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered